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Jun 19th 2023

The future of Northern Ireland's railway network, a megathread.

During my meeting with Translink, I met 5 executives who laid out some pretty bold plans.

Those executives were:

- Graeme Smyth

- Brendan Harkin

- Helen Halliday

- Hilton Parr

- Conor McLornan Image

Our inital discussion was of course the genisis for my railway campaign, the Knockmore Line.

I was informed that the All Island Rail Review will likely progress the need for the development to a more 'crucial' manner.

But at the current moment, Translink hope Image

to appoint a consultant to undertake the feasibility study within the next 6 months, with the feasibility study taking around 8~ months to complete.

Additionally, the overall timeframe for reopening the Knockmore Line is around 4-6 years from the time of the meeting. Image
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