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May 2nd 2023

🍒: Welcome to Let's Talk about Pagtatag! This is Josh (bg:*burps*), someone burped, this is Josh Cullen, your DJ for tonight, oh it's still afternoon, your DJ for this afternoon.
πŸ₯: It's delicious. There's a lot of garlic.

@SB19Official #SB19
🌽: Is it on? Reminder! No taking of pictures.
πŸ“: Paging C14, C14, oh why C14, paging Pr417, going to Thailand. Off the boat, off the boat.
🌭: What does it mean?
🌽: Paging to the mother of a missing child with a blond hair. Semi-bald.

@SB19Official #SB19
πŸ₯: Oh it's me!
πŸ“: PDD1, PDD1, PDD1, red available, PDD1, PDD1 PDD1, red available. Bye!
🍒: Ok, ok, get your cards ready, in letter O, bald, and on February, fourteen, B. 14, Valentine's Day. What's your entry?

@SB19Official #SB19
Read 94 tweets

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