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Smart Money(聪明钱)是一个有趣的链上挖掘工作。
今天我来解密,如何把握它们,并且如何寻找? Image
使用的工具软件准备: #Nansen#DeBank#Dune
专业用户,可使用 #Python +API 接口,做更深度数据挖掘工作。
上述工具, #Nansen#DeBank 建议走付费通道,将打开新的一扇大门。假如使用得当,可开启开挂人生。 ImageImageImageImage
#Nansen 教学举例。
其中聪明钱买入了有 #BLUR #ROKO #GPT #AURA #ZERO 等。
其中聪明钱卖出了有 #HFT #SOV #THEO #SHIK

假如其中有不熟悉的项目,去项目官网,推特,查看和挖掘。 Image
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How do you keep everyone in their homes glued to their TV screens While The worlds largest Military STINGr Takes place ? …

Shortage of Donuts?
Shortage of Duff Beer?

Pick - A - Card - ANY - Card ! ImageImage
Toe 2 Tow

Heels up
All Healed Up

Clear Your Mind, HEAL !
FREE Your Mind, HEAL ! ImageImage
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Follow this #CardioTwitter #Thread
to get an overview of ALL
🚨#ESCcongress #HotLineSessions🚨

➡️14 #OnePager #CongressCards
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PART 2 ⬇️ ImageImage

On-demand ESC 📺:

6.1/ #eBRAVE-AF - Smartphone-based #AF screening.
On-demand ESC 📺:

#ESCcongress Image
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Sistemcilikle ilgili mini bir flood yapacağım ama 12000 takipçiden 12 kişinin anlayacağını sanmıyorum.
Buna rağmen bu riski alıyorum.
Biraz bilim de katacağım işin içine.
Sistem oluştururken uzun vade data kullanmayı tercih ediyoruz ama bugünün verisi ile 3 sene önceki veri aynı önemde mi olmalı ?
Bir stratejiden puanı eşit iki varyasyon oluşturduk diyelim. Son dönem puanı yüksek olan mı seçilmeli, yoksa eski tarihte iyi perform eden mi ?
Çift yarık deneyini çoğumuz izlemişizdir.
Meşhur quantum paradoksu.
Bir ölçüm yapmak için gözlem yapmaya başladığımda olayın değişmesi...
Ölçüm olayı nasıl değiştirir ?

Read 14 tweets
1 /26Algoritmik trade’ in en önemli avantajlarından biri duygusuz yapılmasıdır. Piyasa hareketleri ve haberlerinden etkilenmeyen algoritma yalnızca belirlenen parametrelere göre hareket eder. Bu duygusuzluk içgüdüsel yanlış hareketlerimizi devre dışı bırakır bize avantaj sağlar.
2 /26 Peki bu algoritmaların duygusu olmaması algo traderlarından da duyguları olmadığı anlamına mı gelir? Elbette hayır. Bu flood ile Algo tasarımcı piskolojisinin algoritmik trader yaşam döngüsüne etkisinden bahsedeceğim.
3 /26 Traderların performansını etkileyen en önemli iki faktör korku ve aç gözlülüktür. İşler düzgün gitmiyorsa korku devreye girer ve mantıksız davranış oranımız artmaya başlar. Aksi gerçekleşip işler güzel gittiğinde ise kendimizi piyasanın tek hâkimi zannetmeye başlarız.
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Bugün sistemler adına güzel bir gün geçirdik ... Bu genel bir bakış. Teşekkürler. #PARADISE ekibi... Image
Az zararla da olsa günün çürük yumurtası ile başlayalım.. Image
Günün başarılı personeli... Image
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Bugün algoritmik trade’e yeni başlayanlar için korelasyon ve algotrading ilişkisi hakkında ufak bir bilgisel (flood ) yapacağım. Umarım arkadaşlar için faydalı olur.
Farkındaysanız #PARADISE ‘ın sahneye çıkması ile birlikte farklı karakterlere sahip sistemleri hızlı şekilde üretebilmeye başladık. Ancak piyasa hiçte küçümsenecek bir yapıya sahip olmadığından ekmek yine de aslanın ağzında gibi hissediyoruz. Paralar tıkır tıkır hesaba akmıyor.
Takip ettiğimiz hocaların hesaplarından sürekli sistemlerimizi çeşitlendirmemiz gerektiği uyarıları geliyor. Kimi zaman işlem sayılarını, kimi zaman MaxDD tarihlerini, kimi zamansa devreye girdikleri karakteristik yapıları çeşitlendirmemiz gerektiğini belirtiyorlar.
Read 38 tweets
#Kashmir on path to #development
and #prosperity!
356 Km Jammu–Baramulla Rail line. Jammu-Katra & Banihal-Baramulla operational and Katra-Banihal likely to be completed by end 2020 overcoming many challenges incl longest tunnel of~11Km & a 1315 M long&359 M high bridge. ImageImageImageImage
#Kashmir on path to #development
and #prosperity!
#hydroelectric power plant in #Kashmir to give benefit and #development in #Kashmir.
#Kashmir is changing
#heaven on #Earth
#Kashmir on path to #development
and #prosperity!
Major boost to the power sector in Kashmir, moreover will give job opportunities to the #Kashmiri youth. Lt Governor inaugurated 10 #power #projects, lays foundation for seven other.…
Read 16 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
I understand you are planning to vote for @BernieSanders.

This is a free country, and you have the right to #vote for him. I am grateful to live in a country where we actually have a choice when we go to the #ballotbox. There are many countries where that option doesn't exist.
That there are countries were the head of government places his/her name on the ballot, no competition, and still conducts an election. Of course, in such countries, voting is actually often MANDATORY.
Did you realize that?

The result? The head of government receives overwhelming ballot box support. 80% 90% support!
Read 34 tweets
#CampFire peeps...can we talk a minute? I've seen many of you grow so strong this last yr & how similar yours was to what #Australia is going thru now. I found myself thinking...who would understand everything they're feeling more so than you?

It's a FB group called The Bushfires Across New South Wales, #Australia Crisis Response & I'm hoping some of you might offer encouragement or share what you went thru. Trust me, if I didn't think you could handle it, I wouldn't bring it up...but many of you can now

Besides, sometimes when you help someone else, you actually realize you're helping yourselves too. [just say'n]

Will some of you consider it please? I think they could really use your help & insight -…

#CampFire #Paradise
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New! Watch! 🔥🔥🔥(Did I do that right, kids?)
Excited for 2nd episode of @MyRadarWX climate series, after the #Paradise fires. What does recovery look like in an age of #climatechange? Rebuild or retreat? Watch (and read).

MyRadar is the world's most popular weather app; the CEO @agreen (he also brought you Flightwise) is committed to educating people about how a changing climate will impact how we live and where we live. He let me, @milesobrien and his team tell this homeland security story. 2/
We've been amazed at the response to our first episode on Bahamas. You can watch it on youtube and the myradar app (better idea) and we hope we can top 2 million views this time. 3/
Read 7 tweets
I spent the past three days in #ThunderBay. It was a bit of a roller coaster, including moments which filled me with sadness and rage; and, moments of sheer awe and joy. As I head back to SWOnt, I wanted to share some thoughts.

Warning: this won’t be short.

On the flight here, I listening to the @CANADALAND series on Thunder Bay. It paints a horrifying picture of life in so-called “murder city” with the highest homicide & hate crime rate in Canada. The stories of racism and vicious murders of Indigenous people had me in tears. /2
On landing, the feeling of being In The North was immediate. I think it’s the spectacular, rugged backdrop. The majestic Sleeping Giant & ice-covered Lake Superior take your breath away. It's also the distinct sense that life here can be harsh. Colder. Darker. More remote. /3
Read 24 tweets
Jude Law, Ben Stiller, Gabrielle Union, Aaron Rodgers and basically the entire cast of The Office all made appearances in the #ParadiseHighProm tribute video, played at the dance. And clearly the students felt the love @FOX40 Image
Melanie Little organized the celebrity video-she got help from a publicist friend in LA. What’s amazing is she has no real direct tie to Paradise High. She’s from Gridley, but says she wanted to help @FOX40 Image
Melanie tells me @rainnwilson, who plays Dwight Schrute on the show The Office, was instrumental in getting the rest of the show’s cast to participate in the #Paradise Prom video. @FOX40 Image
Read 6 tweets
BREAKING: Its now official...PG&E electrical equipment WAS in fact the cause of the deadly #CampFire in #Paradise that killed 85 people and destroyed almost 19,000 buildings/homes
PG&E CEO Bill Johnson spoke before an Assembly committee at the Capitol today. He says this announcement wasn't a surprise, but adds more urgency for the utility to improve its safety and fire prevention. #CampFire #ParadiseFire @FOX40 ImageImage
"We have a sense of urgency about paying those claims. Making sure the people who're affected get paid. That's not the right way to say it...get compensated." PG&E CEO Bill Johnson on #CampFire Liability @FOX40 Image
Read 4 tweets
Was the destruction of the Northern California town of #Paradise by #fire 🔥 unforeseeable? The answer is no. Paradise sits at the edge of a big crack in the Sierra Nevada, California's greatest mountain range, through which every fall, big winds come roaring. (thread)
It's this part of California's version of the Santa Ana winds of Southern California, or the Diablo winds of the Bay Area. It's part of the rhythms of California, as high pressure in the Great Basin seeks a way to send wind down to low pressure areas toward the California coast.
California fire officials knew #Paradise was at risk. A 2005 state document warned that the greatest risk to Paradise was an "East Wind driven fire that originates above the communities and blows downhill through developed areas" — which exactly happened on Nov. 8.
Read 11 tweets
We’ve spent this week reporting on the aftermath of the deadly #CampFire in Northern California for @newshour. Here’s a thread on what we’ve been seeing.
Three weeks in, there’s obvious relief that #CampFire is 100% contained, but thousands of people from #Paradise are still homeless, with no obvious remedy. Almost 90 people died in the fire, and nearly 190 more are still unaccounted for.
The scene up in #Paradise itself is just shocking. Photos just don’t do it justice. There’s a lot of talk about the “restorative” power of fire, but what we’ve seen was *anything* but....
Read 17 tweets
If Northern California had received anywhere near the typical amount of autumn precipitation this year (around 4-5 in. of rain near #CampFire point of origin), explosive fire behavior & stunning tragedy in #Paradise would almost certainly not have occurred. (1/n) #CAfire #CAwx
Rainy season has started late this year in California...again. While autumn precipitation isn't usually huge fraction of overall annual average, it's hugely important to ecosystems & in bringing "fire season-ending" moisture. This yr, autumn precip was <20-30% of avg. #CAwx (2/n)
Objective indicators of vegetation dryness and potential fire intensity were at record-high levels for the date this week in vicinity of #CampFire--and would have been very high even for peak summer levels--at a time of year when the rainy season is usually ramping up. (3/n)
Read 19 tweets

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