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Apr 29th 2022
[Showcase] @psy_oppa said it was @BTS_twt Suga who had reached out to him for collaboration around fall 2021. "Leading a successful career as an individual composer himself, #SUGA came to me saying he made a track perfect for me and said he wanted to produce for me." #PSYxSUGA
[Showcase] @psy_oppa on "That That": "He brought the instrumental accompaniment for 'That That." I was then worried that I had to stop making EDM, but I couldn't do something slow. And came in my mind was a Latin-base dance tune, which was exactly what @BTS_twt Suga had brought."
[Showcase] @psy_oppa said "That That" MV was filmed in March at a muddy beach in Incheon. "Our feet sunk into the sand every two step and it rained that morning so it was cold. @BTS_twt #SUGA went through a lot that day and I'm ever so grateful every time I watch the MV." #PSY9th
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