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Jun 13th 2022
I KEEP FINDING MORE PROOF THAT #PalestiniansKilledShireen.

In this May 13 interview by the Committee to Protect Journalists @pressfreedom, Shatha Hanaysha who was next to Shireen when she was killed, said, where the shots came from.

@pressfreedom "We were facing a house and an open space. We were fired upon from an area above us and shots hit the tree I was standing behind from above. It was where Israeli occupation forces were. "

The IDF was down the hill, not above them. The only people above were Jenin snipers.
@pressfreedom On the other side of the open space, to the southeast, was the 3 story house I identified as the most likely sniper spot that shot Shireen.

This is further corroboration.

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