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Nov 25th 2018

1/ There has been some weeping and gnashing of teeth over a "bunnyhug" seen at the Protest in Calgary on Thurs.
First, this protest of thousands was peaceful, no violence. No masked thugs with clubs or Dcell batteries in socks. No litter. No vandalism.
2/ the Calgary Police went so far as to tweet how well behaved they were. to get thousands of Canadians, let alone pro conservatives out on a workday is newsworthy and nearly unprecedented in decades, for Calgary probably back to the dark days of the NEP.
3/ we now see the usual suspects focusing on the very worst of what was a very good crowd. Throwing shade on a couple who surely in good humor for many carried signs casting doubt on the genetic lineage of our current PM and his mother's oft' rumoured indiscretions.
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