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Aug 18th 2020
I’m up in the early hours because the ceiling in our hall just collapsed.
Which is, as you’ll learn if you listen to #PauseforThought on the @ZoeTheBall show on @BBCRadio2 in a few hours, quite ironic.
A few hours later and it’s just as much fun as I’d hoped.
More, probably, as I have to take down the rest of it. ImageImageImage
I do realise this is a small part of the ceiling, not the whole thing.
Small hours over-dramatisation.
Still amazing how much crap can be compressed into such a small space, though.
It’s the Big Bang: all the matter in the universe expanding out of one infinitely tiny point.
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Mar 13th 2020
To @BBCRadio2 to #PauseforThought with @NG ZoeTheBall for #sportsrelief
Bike ride not looking too bad today in light the unbelievable efforts of revkatebottley @jowhiley and @richie_anderson in #Dare2Tri
Good day to think about proportion.
Ready to head into the studio.
PD Heaton sounds just as he did in 1986.
Bob Geldof is very hairy.
The New Zealand unionist and politician Tom Paul observed of a colleague that, ‘his profound reverence for the printed word is a little irksome’.
Nonetheless, here is the printed word of today’s #PauseforThought from the @ZoeTheBall show on @BBCRadio2
Thank you for reading. ImageImage
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Jan 23rd 2020
Glad to be back at @BBCRadio2 in the morning to #PauseforThought with @ZoeTheBall, Bradley Walsh, Supergrass and anyone else who cares to turn up.
Thinking about names.
If you can call it thinking.
Actually, it’s mostly about being loved.
Oops. Spoiler.
See you in the morning.
And, as if by magic, here I am, starting the day with #PauseforThought with @ZoeTheBall at @BBCRadio2
It’s a very strange thing, this.
#Supergrass extremely chilled this morning, giving a very mellow close to the @ZoeTheBall show at @BBCRadio2
Feeling just a touch weary today, so that gentle, almost wistful, middle-aged take on ‘Alright’ much appreciated. Image
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Oct 3rd 2019
Back at @BBCRadio2 this morning to #PauseforThought with the actual @Nicki_Chapman off of them #escapetothecountry
It’s about waiting.
And peanuts.
I’d like to say it’s in honour of Jimmy Carter’s 95th birthday last Tuesday.
But it’s not.
Still, Happy Birthday Mr President. Image
In the service of accountability and transparency, here is the script of today’s @BBCRadio2 #PauseforThought on the (Zoe-less) @ZoeTheBall show.
The peanut thing is a true story.
Thank you to @Nicki_Chapman for making me so welcome. What a pleasure. Image
In a hilarious and ironic twist I had to wait 40 minutes for the @Oxford_Tube straight after this and am now boiling with impatient rage.
Of course.
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Jan 31st 2019
Puncture on the way to #PauseforThought with #ZoeBall @BBCRadio2
Now in taxi.
Not ideal.
Just in case I don’t make it, today’s Pause would have been about darkness. It’s pretty dark in this taxi right now.
Holy cow.
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Nov 8th 2018
Under this blue sky, I am riding with aching limbs up to @BBCRadio2 to #PauseforThought with @achrisevans
I feel old.
I wonder if I’m old?
So I’m thinking about getting old. Image
About one minute to #PauseforThought
I am never not nervous at this point.
Very nervous
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