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Oct 15th 2022
This originally looked like a cool idea to me, until au read the terms of the contest and realized that @CDPROJEKTRED is still acting like a corporate villain in #CyberpunkEdgerunners or #cyberpunk2077 🧵1
Rather than pay artists what they are worth for using their work in mega selling AAA videogame, ie a reasonable royalty per unit or a flay cash payment for a limited license, @CDPROJEKTRED is instead running a contest in which the winners will each get 3k in cash & a gift bag /2
in exchange, the "winners" will be requires to sell not just an exclusive license, but actual ownership of the copyright to @CDPROJEKTRED. Not just for #cyberpunk2077 #PhantomLiberty but forever and always for any purpose they see fit including advertising, other games, OST /3
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