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Jul 22nd 2020
Here is the Indian story of Pi-

Yajnavalkya 2000BCE->339/108=3.1388..(.09% error)
Baudhayana 1700BC 3.08
Jainas 400BC 3.16
Aryabhata 499CE 3.1416
Govindaswami 800CE 3.14159265
Madhava,1370 3.14159265358
Nilakanta 1480, 'Folks!Pi is irrational'

Ramanuja 1914:
Yajnavalkya is the first named mathematician in history associated with pi. No name from contemporary Egypt or Mesopotamia is known. Of the many values in Shatapatha Brahmana, 339/108 is the best. The history of Science & Math should begin with his name.
Courtesy: Kosla Vepa
While Aryabhata used the practically elegant value of 3.1416, he was also aware that pi can only be 'approached' and is in fact an irrational number. This makes him the first mathematician to realize this.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 30th 2018
At least reformists should be bold enough to abandon Mullerian dates like '600BC' for Apastamba. He was one of the-
-Fathers of Geometry.'SulbaSutra' or 'rules of chords' is the oldest name for geometry
-1st to work with irrational nos
-1st to state Pythagorean theorem with proof
The sutras, though not devoted to pure mathematics, are the world's 1st treatises on it.They contain the seminal discoveries not just of Geometry, but also of Algebra & maybe even the place value. Their deserved recognition in the history of Math is denied
The Sulba Sutras were so inconvenient for the Mullerian gang trying to undermine Vedic culture and make it secondary to Mesopotamia and Greece, they forced so many arbitrary dates on so many CRITICAL texts. And their successors still get away with such gross incompetence.
Read 66 tweets

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