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Oct 28th 2018
A small child sits in a cage after coming near our border. A mother of Jewish synagogue victim cries in her room. A woman who was sexually assaulted still is afraid to tell someone because she fears she will be accused a liar. Continued thread
Cont'd 2)
A black teen is afraid to go to the market for his mother as he fears being told to leave the market and also being afraid of being shot by Police. A very nice gay person is afraid to admit it because he wants to join the armed forces.
Cont'd Thread
Cont'd 3)
A person with Native American bloodlines fears being called a derogatory name like Pocohontas or Injun or similar. A Puerto Rican family cries at night as they still have no power & water & hear from persons the Prez gloats/laughs each day re PR people Cont'd thread
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