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Apr 30th 2021
🧵on stealing TeamViewer credentials

Many organizations have systems with TeamViewer actively running; some know it and manage it correctly, other have no idea it is running or where. The latter probably have multiple versions #redteam #blueteam #purpleteam #ThreatThursday 1/10
I started looking deeper into TeamViewer when @snlyngaas reported that a Florida water facility had been breached. A malicious actor used TeamViewer to login and change the levels of sodium hydroxide. The plant operator say this and no damage was done… 2/10
For those that speak @MITREattack we are talking about T1078 Valid Accounts:…
But how were these credentials obtained? We don't know but @brysonbort spoke with #RSAC about it if you want more on the Florida water plant breach: 3/10
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Jan 19th 2021
I’m going to tell you some things about #cybersecurity and why you should consider addnig it to your careers. For starters, today there’s a lack of 1.5 million specialists worldwide and the number is expected to grow by 2022.
Today more tan ever, #cybersecurity is important for everyone—professionally, as parents, for our exposition and above all, for our #reputation. Many times I find myself speaking to people that believe that you need to be a #hacker to work in #cybersecurity.
There’re 4 domains you can investigate and study: Information Security Governance, Information Risk Management, Information Security Program Development and Management Information Security Incident Management. All allow to get a #CISM certification,
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