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Most recents (24)

May 30th 2023
Iran-linked hackers Agrius deploying new ransomware against Israeli orgs

An Iran-linked advanced persistent threat #APT group is using new #ransomware while targeting a familiar adversary in the Middle East, researchers have found.

#Iran #CyberAttack…
"Check Point’s Incident Response Team investigated the deployment of the ransomware against #Israeli organizations and claimed by a group dubbing itself Moneybird."
"Researchers found that it bore the hallmarks of Agrius, a #hacker group that has been around since 2020 and has attempted to disguise itself with aliases like BlackShadow."
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
⚠️ A browser extension is always a double-edged sword.

In general, there isn't much to disagree with in what @panosmek has written in this fantastic thread, but here are few additional thoughts:

🧵👇 [1/13]
[2/13] Browser extensions in and of themselves can easily be the source of #exploits.

So, rather than securing your #browser session, increasing your #privacy, or acting as a warning tool before signing transactions, it may turn out to be your worst enemy.
[3/13] — Attack Vectors —

🧐 There are merely two malicious concepts that will be exploited by #hackers to harm you while using #browser extensions:

🔸 Supply-Chain attack
🔸 Man-in-the-middle attack
Read 14 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Breve thread/ Se davvero la brigata #Wagner è dietro gli sbarchi come sostengono i ministri @GuidoCrosetto e @Antonio_Tajani, allora stiamo assistendo a un'offensiva di #guerranonlineare contro l'#Italia senza precedenti e portata avanti su più piani 1/
Le #migrazioni vengono usate come arma di #guerranonlineare per rendere difficile al #governo il controllo del fenomeno e per creare aspro confronto nell'opinione pubblica 2/
Gli attacchi #hacker prendono di mira il nostro Paese in modo sempre più frequente e presto dai siti delle istituzioni si passerà anche a quelli delle aziende chiave 3/
Read 7 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
#havanasyndrome @PFPAOfficial @DeptofDefense @FBI @CIA @DHSgov Citizens are carrying their own chip. This is a #neuroweapon off of the cell towers in a loop. Your smartphone is a Swiss Army knife. In good faith of the investigation.…
My digital forensics investigation brought back 19 cell towers the hacker attempted to erase from my smartphone. Theirs a reason why they erased them towers. #neuroweapon
Does anyone think that a fusion center is going to attack. The embassy workers kids? My theory. Corruption has hired sit at home remote workers. Although your neighbor could be in on it. Right in your phones. Hidden drug network. Human trafficking. Imsi catcher used at first.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
Top 9 Hacker Gadgets

1. Raspberry Pi:

This is a low cost credit card sized desktop computer that runs Linux and it also provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins. It enables people to explore computing and learn Programming.
2. Rubber Ducky USB

The Rubber ducky looks similar to a USB Pen drive, it can be used for variety of attacks, hack a system, inject a keystroke into a system, inject payloads and also steal information and sensitive data.
3. LAN Turtle

The LAN Turtle by Hak5 is a covert Systems Administration and Penetration Testing tool providing stealth remote access, network intelligence gathering, and man-in-the-middle surveillance capabilities through a simple graphic shell.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
[THREAD] 15 ans de #SEO : Quand je sors des sentiers battus !

Pratiquant le White Hat depuis mes débuts, je reste curieux du Black même si je ne fais prendre aucun risque à mes clients. Il m’arrive, toutefois, de sortir des sentiers battus.🤫
1) Acheter du trafic pour remonter sur la marque : lorsqu’un de mes clients se lance dans un pays, j’achète des clics géolocalisés, faisant la recherche sur Google locale et cliquant sur l’url qu’on veut faire remonter.
2) #Offuscation de liens : j’ai abusé de cette Technique pendant 15 ans, j’utilise, aujourd’hui, d’autres stratégies pour la réduction de liens doublons ou non contextuels.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
🚨 "Il Computer Security Incident Response Team Italia (Csirt-IT) dell’Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN), ha rilevato un massiccio attacco" #hacker "tramite ransomware già in circolazione che prende di mira i server VMware ESXi".
Secondo l'agenzia, l'attacco è in corso in tutto il mondo e riguarda "qualche migliaio di server compromessi", da "Paesi europei come Francia – paese più colpito - Finlandia e Italia, fino al Nord America, in Canada e negli Stati Uniti".
I tecnici dell'Acn hanno già censito "diverse decine di sistemi nazionali verosimilmente compromessi e allertato numerosi soggetti i cui sistemi sono esposti ma non ancora compromessi".
Read 8 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Un pullback del mercato di martedì si è trasformato in un ritorno di mercoledì quando il bitcoin è salito oltre i $ 23.700 prima di ritirarsi leggermente. Eth sale sopra i $1.618. Altre criptovalute come #APT,registrano guadagni del 48% nelle ultime 24 ore,

Bitcoin ed Ether sono rimbalzati nel trading di giovedì mattina in Asia dopo la correzione di ieri tra indicatori economici misti e earnings deboli di Microsoft che avevano fatto scendere i prezzi.
Solana, Polygon e Cardano hanno guidato i guadagni tra i primi 10 per capitalizzazione di mercato. Le azioni statunitensi sono state contrastanti durante la notte.
Read 23 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
At #IWCON2022, we have 15+ amazing #cybersecurity speakers from around the world 🌍

To share unique methods and findings with y’all 😍🙌

Get ready with your questions. Our experts will answer you live 🔥

Book your ticket:

Meet our speakers 🧵👇 Image
#1 Gabrielle Hempel @gabsmashh, #security engineer @Netwitness 🥳

Her topic: #Threat hunting in #cloud environments 🌩️

Time: 17th Dec, 7:30 pm IST

Want to attend this talk? 😍

Book your ticket here:

#cloudhunting #threathunting Image
#2 Luke Stephens @hakluke, founder of @haksecio 🔥

His topic: How I used #recon techniques to identify a prolific #scammer 👊

Time: 17th Dec, 6:30 pm IST ❤️

Don't wanna miss it?

Register today:

#infosec #hacking #hackingthehacker Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
Lo scopo di #PropOrNot è stato quello di indurre le persone a chiedere che la libertà di parola venga annullata. Questo doveva/deve essere fatto distruggendo i media basati sui fatti: l'intero piano è strutturato a partire dal 2015, quando ha iniziato a prendere forma.

26/49 Image
Queste persone vogliono che la realtà sia modellata su ciò che il gruppo dominante voglia diventi reale, indipendentemente da quali siano i fatti: la realtà basata sulla percezione come in un social media, in cui vengono create narrazioni per plasmare l'opinione pubblica.

27/49 Image
Questo è l'hacker di #PravySektor RUH8. Il filo conduttore di questi hacker è chiaro se si legge il materiale linkato sui profili che compongono queste organizzazioni. Lavorano per #Bellingcat, #Informnapalm, il #ConsiglioAtlantico, l'Intelligence ucraina e la diaspora.

28/49 Image
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Oct 31st 2022
How_To_Became a Great #hacker

1. Learn TCP/IP, Basic Information
gathering, Proxies, Socks, SSL, VPN, VPS, RDP,
FTP, POP3, SMTP, Telnet, SSH.
2. Learn Linux, Unix, Windows - You can do
this using vmware or any virtual desktop
3. Learn a programming language that's
compatible with all OS - Perl, Python, C, ASM
4. Learn HTML, PHP, Javascript, ASP, XML, SQL,
5. Learn Reverse engineering and crack
some programs for serials easy ones like
mirc, winzip, winrar or old games.
6. Code a fuzzer for common protocols - ftp,
pop3, 80, 8080 - Pick some free software
like ftp server, mail server, apache or iis
webserver or a webserver all-in-one pack,
or teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
1️⃣ IT Fundamentals

Before jumping into more advanced fields, you gotta know the basics.

You can learn everything you need for FREE from
@ProfessorMesser's course ➡️…

For reference, you should be apt for @CompTIA's A+ certification before the next step.
2️⃣ Networking

It's time to get technical.

Networking will teach you how the internet works, and it's CRUCIAL to have a SOLID understanding of this subejct.

You don't have to be a network engineer, but know things like the OSI Model, TCP/IP, Ports & Services, CIDR, Subnets, etc
Read 18 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
توقع کے عین مطابق ن لیگ نے بھی عمران خان کی آڈیو ریلیز کر دی۔

اس آڈیو میں عمران خان اپنے پرنسپل سیکرٹری اعظم خان کے ساتھ گفتگو کر رہے ہیں کہ سائفر والی سازش پہ کیسے بیانیہ بنانا ہے
1 یہ آڈیوز شاکر بھائی نےنہیں ریلیز کی بلکہ یہ ن لیگ کا اپنا
سٹنگ آپریشن ہے جسے خود مریم نواز نے بنی گالہ میں گھس کر سرانجام دیا لہذا اس اہم کامیابی پہ ن لیگ کو مبارکباد بنتی ہے ۔

2 بگنگ میں آڈیوز کبھی صاف نہیں ہوتیں کیونکہ یہ ہیڈ فونز سے سننی ہوتی ہے اور لانگ ٹرم ڈیٹا ریکوائرمنٹ رکھی جاتی ہے لیکن ن لیگ نے اس آڈیو کو اس قدر صاف رکھا ہے
کہ کوئی شور بھی نہیں اور تمام الفاظ بلکل صاف سنائی دے رہے ہیں ۔ ن لیگ کی اس اہم پیش رفت پہ ٹیکنالوجی ماہرین بھی ن لیگ کو خراجِ تحسین پیش کر رہے ہیں ۔

3 آڈیو میں ساری گفتگو اعظم خان کی ہے کیونکہ اس کو پہلے انتہائی کم سنا گیا ہے۔ ہاں عمران خان کی مختلف پریس کانفرنسز کے دوران
Read 9 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
🚨Things you need to know Before/After the Merge & BEWARE Replay Attacks? 🎯🕵️

The #Merge is less than 10 days away like it or NOT but What should we expect and do with our $ETH, Staking, and #NFTs

Let's explore the Myths/Risk and the Truth around it.

🚨🚀🍻 🧵⚡️🕵️
Before we start if you haven't checked my last thread 🧵about the forks and the potential #Airdrops that come with #merge make sure to check below :)
Your Like/RT/ comment and follow are highly appreciated. ❤️

The Merge is tentatively scheduled for September 15. The countdown to #Mainnet is based on a target #TTD of #58750000000000000000 💥

The merge is simply a change of consensus mechanism used to verify #transactions and secure the #network.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
#Learn365 - Day 4⃣

SOP 🫧, Same Origin Policy.
A browser security framework that every #hacker should know.

Know what is it in this thread 🧵👇

#infosec #security #appsec #cybersecurity #SOP #http Image
SOP is browser security model, and I find lot of folks out there, who still dont understand it in and out.
Let me cover it here, in few threads.

Let's Start.
It is a browser security model 🔥. Now what does that means ?
It simply means this control is enforced by browser to make user visiting a site more secure from attackers.

Browser creates virtual boundaries to segregate sites and this boundary is identified with ORIGINS.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Read 188 tweets
Jun 11th 2022
Si les humains sont #hackables comme disait Yuval Noah #Harari, quelles sont nos options pour les réveiller?
Certains vaccinés semblent refuser de réfléchir aux sujets #Covid, malgré des faits, études, vidéos. On est face à un mur. Comment on pourrait #hacker cela? (suite..⏬)
Je poste des études mais l'argument logique ne marche pas sur tout le monde. Car cela implique de faire une pause pour y penser.
Je vois d'ailleurs une indifférence à chaque nouvelle étude, décès ou effet secondaire suite aux💉. Peut-être que c'est une mauvaise stratégie? ⏬
Comment on pourrait hacker l'esprit des endormis? Au lieu d'affirmer dans nos tweets, il faudrait changer d'angle pour accéder à leur #cerveau.
Par exemple, plutôt par une #question? Une affirmation est rejetée d'emblée quand ça ne correspond pas à un système de croyance⏬suite
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2022
Second attempt at starting a new Russia - Ukraine thread....fingers crossed !

The original Mega thread ends here
There is talk that the Ukr CinC Zaluzhny & Zelensky had a meeting during which the withdrawal from #Lisichansk agglomeration was discussed.
The only feasible way is going by the road to Seversk which is not physically cut but can be shelled from Rus held territory
Situation at #Kamishevakha which is NE of Popasna & part of the Gorskoe (Hirske) - Zolotoe "bag"
Read 85 tweets
May 11th 2022

Il tentativo di far passare la ricerca della pace come un cambiamento della linea del premier sulla guerra in #Ucraina c'è stato.
Quello di raccontarlo come un cedimento alle richieste dei "neutralisti" italici pure.…
Il Blog lo ha denunciato ieri, ma sarebbe bastato in verità seguire con costanza le dichiarazioni di Mario #Draghi da inizio guerra per evitare una figuraccia.
Draghi lo ha ribadito anche poco fa, nella conferenza stampa all'ambasciata d'Italia a Washington.
Qui trovate tutte le sue dichiarazioni:
Read 10 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
Alright, you wanted me to do it, so here goes.
A real quick and dirty tutorial on how to use #Universal #Radio #Hacker or #URH to do something useful.
You can find the tool here:
It's a bit flaky at times, but it appears to support capture and replay on most hardware out in the field today, which is GREAT
The tool comes in useful when you're confronted with a radio link and want to find out the details (modulation, bitrate, etc) when those aren't made public by the manufacturer. It's also handy when you just have a signal and no device in hand.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
Bir çoğunuzun haberi yoktur fakat geçtiğimiz hafta büyük bir kaç #ransomware vakası yaşandı. VmCenter açığından faydalanarak gerçekleştirilen bu saldırıdan 2 #datacenter etkilendi. Acilen olay yerine müdahale etmemiz istendi.
Saldırının analizini yapmak, zafiyete sebebiyet veren açığı tespit etmek, olası güvenlik tedbirleri vb çalışmaları yapmaya zaman yoktu. Yüzlerce sunucudan oluşan bir veri kaybının olduğu bir yerde önceliğin bu olması mantıklı da olmazdı zaten.
Birinci önceliğimiz tüm sistemi yeniden ayağa kaldırmak ve mağduriyeti gidermek olduğu için kolları sıvadık ve çalışmalara başladık. Öncesinde #hacker ile bazı iletişimler kurulduğunu ve bir miktar fidye ödendiğini olay yerine ulaştıktan sonra öğrendik.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
#POV alla #DoctorManhattan. Accade tutto contemporanamente
È il 2022, siamo in un conflitto devastante che minaccia il cuore dell'#Europa
È il 1957, un ragazzino non vedente di nome Joe Engressia scopre che fischiando una particolare nota i nastri registrati che ascolta al
telefono si bloccano. Incuriosito chiama la compagnia telefonica. John Draper scopre che non serve l'orecchio assoluto: basta un fischietto.
È il 2022, e la #Russia pensa a come censurare tutte le informazioni che dimostrano che la loro #liberazione dell'#Ucraina è solo una
È il 1980 "o giù di lì". Internet apre un mondo a ragazzini con pochi soldi in tasca. Le interurbane costano. Collegarsi ad una #BBS costa. Scaricare programmi costa tantissimo, chiamare "l'amico fuori città" che ha tutti quei giochi bellissimi anche di più. Quei
Read 9 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
Mini thread 1/ #Ucraina sotto attacco #hacker, allarmi bomba quotidiani, #troll e macchina della #propaganda in azione. #Esercito regolare sui confini come forma di deterrenza, #wagner e paramilitari in #Donbass
2/ Ci sono tutti gli ingredienti principali della #guerranonlineare della #Russia. #Putin vuole il riconoscimento della #Crimea come soggetto della #Federazionerussa, la garanzia che #Ucraina non entrerà mai nella #Nato
3/ L’obiettivo della strategia russa è destabilizzare l’#Ucraina dall’interno, polarizzare il dibattito politico e nella società civile en #occidente e che parte dell’opinione pubblica internazionale pensi che la #Russia ha ragione
Read 10 tweets

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