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Over the past few hours, we’ve observed malicious phishing emails associated with the delivery affiliate TR in multiple customer environments. The infection scheme was consistent, executing in the following pattern: OneDrive phishing page -> ZIP download -> malicious XLSB -> Qbot
The ZIP file and XLSB had formats similar to `123 (1).zip/123.xlsb`. The Excel macros downloaded a Qbot binary with an OCX file extension to the TR-specific folder “C:\Watdan” and executed it with the command `regsvr32 C:\Watdan\tle1.ocx`
We observed reconnaissance commands and lateral movement next, and the adversary dropped Cobalt Strike and Bloodhound, common post-exploitation tools, into victims’ environments. This progression of activity is a common ransomware precursor.
Read 6 tweets
We sat down with @likethecoins, director of intelligence at Red Canary, to chat about the Microsoft Exchange activity happening and share what we’re seeing. Check out what she had to say in the thread. #RCintel Image
Q1: What do we know about the adversaries exploiting the recent Exchange vulnerabilities? #RCintel
There’s a lot of confusion rn. Based on our visibility and that of researchers from Microsoft, FireEye, & others, there are at least 5 different clusters of activity that appear to be exploiting the vulnerabilities. -Katie Nickels #RCintel (1/2)
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We’ve detected suspicious activity in multiple environments today, and, while we haven’t yet observed a payload, we’re concerned the activity may be the result of Exchange Server compromise. 1/7 #RCintel Image
What we’re observing is consistent with DLTminer precursor activity uncovered by @vmw_carbonblack in 2019, specifically its use of scheduled tasks to execute PowerShell and make external network connections.… 2/7 Image
Prior to the Scheduled Task and PowerShell activity, we’re seeing the adversary leverage the IIS Worker process (w3wp.exe) to spawn the Command Processor in a manner that’s consistent with web shell activity. 3/7 Image
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