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📊 Encuesta Nacional de Consumos Culturales 2022 🇦🇷

Ayer en @elCCKirchner, el ministro Tristán Bauer y autoridades presentaron los resultados provisorios de este relevamiento oficial sobre los hábitos, consumos y preferencias culturales de la población argentina. ⤵️ ImageImageImage
🔎 Te contamos 10 datos sobre esta tercera edición 🧵

1️⃣ Se aplicó una población de 13 años y más, residente en hogares particulares en aglomerados urbanos de más de 30.000 habitantes ➡️ Un total de 3380 casos distribuidos en todas las provincias y regiones del país. Image
2️⃣ El 51% leyó al menos un #libro el último año y el 10% escuchó #audiolibros ➡️ Quienes más leen son los y las jóvenes.

3️⃣ También son el grupo que más consume contenidos culturales y está más digitalizado 👩‍💻 Lideran casi todos los consumos excepto #radio, #diario y #teatro.
Read 8 tweets
#Trump Leaves #Florida Home to #Surrender to Charges in #NewYork | Mar 3
- “The #Corrupt DA has no case," Trump said on Truth Social, of the Manhattan DA prosecuting the case. “What he does have is a venue where it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a #FairTrial.…
Date typo: Last Updated: APRIL 03, 2023, 22:02 IST
#MAGA supporters line the streets of #PalmBeach and protesters swarm NY ahead of his arraignment TOMORROW
- His campaign managers #Wiles, and #LaCivita, as well as sr adviser #Miller, and spokesman #Cheung were traveling with him, along with his son #Eric.…
Read 30 tweets

Radiotelescopio Eovsa, USA.
Detectan en el #Sol una señal de #radio que "proviene de 5000 km de la superficie" de la #estrella.
La #Tierra recibió un patrón de señal repetitivo cada 10-20 seg “similar a un latido”...

¿Qué le ocurre?

Nature Communications
#cosmos #nasa
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ఆకాశవాణి కడప కేంద్రం వార్తలు చదువుతున్నది
మీ H. పరమేశ్వర రావు 😉 📻🎙️#RadioDay
కాంతి వేగ పౌనఃపున్యాల (Frequency)తో విద్యుత్‌ అయస్కాంత (Electro Magnetic) తరంగాలను మాడ్యులేషన్ చేయటం ద్వారా తీగల ఆధారము లేకుండా గాలిలో శబ్ద సంకేతాలను ప్రసారం చేయు ప్రక్రియను #WorldRadioDay #Radio Image
దూర శ్రవణ ప్రక్రియ (Radio Transmission) అంటారు. ఇలాంటి ప్రసారాలను వినటానికి ఉపయోగించే సాధనాన్ని రేడియో అంటారు. మొదటిరోజులలో వాల్వులను ఉపయోగించి, రేడియోలను తయారు చేసేవారు. అవి ఎక్కువ విద్యుత్‌ను వాడేవి, పరిమాణంలో కూడా చాలా పెద్దవిగా ఉండేవి. ఒక చోట మాత్రమే ఉంచి వినవలసి వచ్చేది.
1960లు వచ్చేటప్పటికి, ట్రాన్సిస్టరు కనిపెట్టబడి, ఆ ట్రాన్సిస్టర్ లను వాడిన రేడియోలు వాడకంలోకి వచ్చాయి. వీటిని ట్రాన్‌సిస్టర్ రేడియోలు అని పిలవటం మొదలు పెట్టారు. ఇవి విద్యుత్‌ను చాలా తక్కువగా వాడుకుని పనిచేయగలవు. పైగా, ఘటము (బ్యాటరీ-Battery)తో కూడా పనిచేయగలవు.
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A proposito di #USA #NATO #EU,democrazia da esportare,#Guerra,#armi, #morte #pacifinti #liberali #neoliberisti #Putin #Zelensky e tifo da stadio x la mattanza, un breve thread🧵sul Paese in cui mi trovo attualmente:🇱🇦Repubblica Popolare del Laos e fanculo ai fabbricanti d'armi.1)
2) Dal 1964 al 1973, gli #USA hanno sganciato più di 2,5 milioni di tonnellate di ordigni sul #Laos durante 580.000 missioni,pari a un aereo carico di bombe ogni otto minuti, 24 ore al giorno,per nove anni,rendendo il paese più pesantemente bombardato nella storia.3)
3) Gli attentati erano parte della guerra segreta americana per sostenere il governo reale del Laos contro il Pathet Lao e per interdire il traffico verso il #Vietnam.I bombardamenti hanno distrutto villaggi e sfollato centinaia di migliaia di civili durante quei 9 anni.4)
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‘Spalato–The City within a Roman Palace’ has just aired, on this day on 3LO @abcmelbourne in 1936. Read by my grandfather as part of a series of talks under the eye/ear of C. Hughes Hallett, Controller of Talks and Services. Would any recordings exist somewhere?
#radio #archives
Who knew Diocletian had a thing for cabbages?
Wish I’d read this stuff when I stayed in the Palace years ago. I’d love to have known of the four gates: Golden (for his birthplace), Silver (for the moon across the water), Bronze & Iron (for the metals that defended the State.)
In other archival records, the motorcycle diaries from May 1929, sent from London in 1930. Written in conjunction with his travelling companion, Harry Solomon. From Salisbury to Torquay, Lands End, Clovelly, Kilve, Cheddar, Wells. Losing petrol caps, stalling on hills & swearing.
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#MasTempranoQueTarde 📻


🗣️ Claudia Neira (@NeiraClaudia)

Legisladora porteña

@Nicomarsico 🎙️ @medicifla 🎙️
#SomosRadio #AM530 #BuenJueves
@NeiraClaudia "Lo más preocupante en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires hoy es la seguridad"
@NeiraClaudia "No tenemos ministro, Marcelo D'Alessandro se vio envuelto en un escandalo y se tomó licencia"
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#MasTempranoQueTarde 📻


🗣️ Juan Manuel Pedrini (@jmpedrini)

Diputado Nacional

@Nicomarsico 🎙️ @medicifla 🎙️
#SomosRadio #AM530 #BuenJueves
@jmpedrini "Como persona del interior de la Argentina Federal la presencia de estos cortesanos se torna insostenible a partir de un fallo que agrede al federalismo argentino"
@jmpedrini "Tenemos una Corte que se convierte en un supra poder, pareciera que no hay tres poderes, sino uno que se pone por sobre el ejecutivo y el legislativo y se arroga facultades de estos"
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#MasTempranoQueTarde 📻


🗣️ Atilio Guzmán

Biólogo y doctor en Ciencias Naturales, intendente del Parque Nacional Iguazú

@Nicomarsico 🎙️ @medicifla 🎙️
#SomosRadio #AM530 #BuenJueves
Atilio Guzmán "Tuvimos una recuperación pospandemia muy buena con 1millón 300mil visitantes durante 2022"
Atilio Guzmán "Este mes inauguramos una nueva excursión náutica que es el regreso del Parque Nacional por el Río Iguazú hacia el puerto"
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#MasTempranoQueTarde 📻


🗣️ Agustín Samaniego (@agustinsamanie7)

Presidente del bloque de diputados provinciales del PJ en Formosa

@Nicomarsico 🎙️ @medicifla 🎙️
#SomosRadio #AM530 #BuenMartes Image
@agustinsamanie7 "Así como el gobernador Insfran adhiere al juicio político a los integrantes de la Corte Suprema, los diputados justicialistas entendimos que era necesario de emitir un comunicado apoyando"
@agustinsamanie7 "Existe una crisis institucional generada por la cúspide de la justicia que es la Corte Suprema"
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#MasTempranoQueTarde 📻


🗣️ Javier Noguera (@javier_noguera)

Intendente de Tafí Viejo (@MuniTafiViejo)

@Nicomarsico 🎙️ @medicifla 🎙️
#SomosRadio #AM530 #BuenMartes Image
@javier_noguera "Vemos con mucha preocupación este estado de anomalía y putrefacción en la cual el Poder judicial falla en contra de las provincias"
@javier_noguera "Hay una connivencia mafiosa entre jueces de Comodoro Py y medios de comunicación, ofician de brazo armado de Cambiemos"
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What is a blessing?

A blessing is a summon to all forces in heaven, on earth and underneath the earth, to support the one who is blessed to succeed.
Genesis 27: 22-27

- Pastor E.A Adeboye

Day 4
Evening Session
A curse is saying let all the forces in heaven, on and underneath the earth work against someone so they never succeed. Genesis 3:17-19
Full-blown Blessings. Deuteronomy 28:1-13
Full-blown curses. Deut. 28:15-68
- Pastor E.A Adeboye
Day 4
Evening Session
I pray for you in the mighty Name of Jesus, every curse upon your life shall be destroyed.

- Pastor E.A Adeboye

Day 4
Evening Session
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Jesus made provision for the healing of sicknesses and illnesses that didn't exist when He was on earth in 'greater works than these'.
John 14:12
Acts 19: 11-12

- Pastor E.A Adeboye

Day 3
Evening Session
The Lord wants to move you from receiving your healing to becoming the carrier of His healing virtue.
Acts 5: 14-16

- Pastor E.A Adeboye

Day 3
Evening Session
In the mighty Name of Jesus, one of the miracles God will you give you in this Congress is that He will give you the ability to hear Him.

- Pastor E.A Adeboye

Day 3
Evening Session
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#Finland. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized an official opinion poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23, 2022. The Finnish people (92%) #rejected joining #NATO in their 1591 statements.
- come and read and hear these statements, 2049 pages.… ImageImageImage
@IntlCrimCourt On Sept 27, 1994, #NATO military assets assembled for a naval military exercise called #CooperativeVenture94, the first “Partnership for Peace.”
The deliberate sinking of #Estonia with #Semtex and the crash&escape of a #NATO #submarine from the scene
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DAY 6 HAARP Research Campaign Oct 2022 (Signal Capture Thread)
#HAARP #swl #hamradio #ConspiracyTheories #Radio #shortwave
Only HAARP signal capture I had in Oklahoma during Day 2 of Ghosts in the Air Glow was same as yesterday. Received 9.5 MHz during NBTV transmission, but nothing I'll be able to decode. Here's that signal start at scheduled time. #HAARP
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#ICYMI Only received one transmission from early morning Ghosts in the Air Glow HAARP broadcast, 9.5 MHz. Lower #HAARP frequencies didn't reach Oklahoma.
I've already programmed recording schedule for tomorrow morning event.

HAARP signal 9.5 MHz 23 Oct 0607-0612 UT. Location : Oklahoma, Receiver : USB SDR, Antenna: 30ft wire terminated with 18 inch coil filled with iron mereorite fragments. #HAARP #swl #shortwave #radio
Termination of my 30 ft wire antenna with this.. 18 inch coil filled with iron mereorite fragments.
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DAY 5 of HAARP Research Campaign Oct 2022. (Signal Capture Thread)
#HAARP #swl #hamradio #ConspiracyTheories #radio Image
Ghosts in the Air Glow ImageImage
The only HAARP transmission reception I can say I received in Oklahoma during Day 1 of Ghosts in the Air Glow, was the XIII (NBTV) on 9.5 MHz. It ended on time as scheduled. Here's a portion of video screen capture showing shut down. But my SDR recording was corrupt. #HAARP
Read 13 tweets
DAY 4 of HAARP Research Campaign Oct 2022 (Signal Capture Thread) #HAARP #hamradio #swl #ConspiracyTheories #radio Image
Two HAARP Transmission Experiments start today. (Day 4 #HAARP Signal Captures will be placed in this Thread) Image
Since announced HAARP frequencies for VLF Amplification experiment could change without notice as posted, I found one close to the 4.2 MHz they posted (4.240 MHz). Received this pulsing which shut down at scheduled end of experiment time. Unknown if #HAARP. NEED VERIFICATION
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Who's ready to start trying to decode some NBTV? I'll be transmitting some via radio waves soon, but the decoding is tricky... so for anyone interested, I've posted the original audio files to sound cloud so you can practice and get the hang of it. #radio #NBTV
First Step: You'll need to download some open source NBTV decoding software. This site has three versions. I recommend experimenting with all three (the NBTV viewer on the left and "The Big Picture" in the middle - try the older version)…
Next step: Go to soundcloud to the NBTV audio files I uploaded and try to decode them (open the NBTV viewing software, set your source to the sound card of your computer, then just play the audio file straight from sound cloud.
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This is one of the funniest pieces of live radio you’ll ever hear. And the animation adds an extra layer. #Radio #GerryAnderson
Wow. I shared this today as the clip had popped up as a FB memory & I thought maybe some people might find it as funny as I do. The animation is by @flickerpix_ni. Had I known this was gonna go viral I’d have tagged them. 📻 🐓(There really should be a Child of Prague emoji.)
Sorry I’ve been unable to reply to people. Had to switch off alerts. Lovely to think so many people are getting such a laugh from the late great Gerry Anderson. The video had about 30K views when I posted it at lunchtime yesterday, so it’s really hypnotised people. Ahem.
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#kenogramme @ImTunnel
@suhrkamp 2022

die maschinen der buchdrucker laufen seit jahrzehnten mit strom, mit elektronischer unterstützung, #digitalisiert und trallalla...
der unterschied welcher den unterschied macht, in dem #massenmedien gesagt wird, ist, dass es sich um #medien handelt, welche QUA TECHNIK, über keinen rückkanal verfügen.

das hat nicht #NiklasLuhmann erfunden. aber er hat sich an diese axiomatische setzung gehalten.
ich kann im #theater aufstehen. fluchen. tomaten werfen. rausrennen. türe so laut zuhauen, dass die leute auf der bühne aus dem text fallen. aber es KEIN #massenmedium

auch wenn beim #radio eingeladen wird mitzumachen, bleibt es ein massenmedium
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Listening to the Tryzub FM Site source:… TOP Rating online radio © BestRadio.FM
Listen Radio Ukraine all radio stations in Ukraine Site source: TOP Rating online radio © BestRadio.FM
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