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Oct 17th 2019
I recently attended @naukarshah 's talk in Bangalore and here I am posting some notes I made on it. Thread👇

“Dissent is Integral to Democracy”

Why are people afraid of dissenting? We are afraid of being called names, we are afraid being personally targeted.
If in a country If we are afraid even to speak out, then that is not the Idea of the country that our forefathers envisioned.

The IDEA of the COUNTRY is important. Are we ready to work for our idea of the country and ready to stand up against the wrong notions that today’s
political establishments are trying to portray? - Kannan Gopinathan is ready and to make others realise of his idea of the country he has resigned to his job and stood along with Kashmiris, his countrymen.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 15th 2019
It has been 70 days since an entire population in our country has been shut. It was only after 69 days that even basic mobile communication was restored partially.

If we are to be mute spectators to all this, let’s be that in a proper way. #ShutMyMouthToo #RegainYourVoice
To all those who say it is to save lives, let me tell you a government which can't ensure both life and liberty for its people, and has to ask them to choose one, is highly incompetent and unfit to govern.

It is better that they resign and go rather than give such arguments.
To those who say that the things were so bad in Kashmir that there was no other way, please let us know who screwed up the policies that were working for peace and progress in Kashmir till 2014-15.

The Government which is responsible for screwing it up will have to answer!
Read 6 tweets

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