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Mar 28th 2022
The MOs Bill is back & the government's desperate to get it done before an election.

You can't put lipstick on a pig.

ACOSS are pushing for some changes that will mean small improvements, but fundamentally this bill is bad & should be opposed.

Here's why to #RejectTheMOsBill👇
Don't lock in a bad system. We hope if Labor win government there's a chance for meaningful change. If this bill passes then any opportunity to work on substantive improvements will be significantly diminished. They've extended jobactive before & can do so again #RejectTheMOsBill
Changes that make savings from social security & unemployed people should be opposed.

The effect of changes in this bill will save $860 million in employment services over the forward estimates & another $191 million in payments recouped due to payment backdating changes.
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