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Nov 27th 2021
Kenya’s most scenic spaces are to be found north of the Equator. To experience them, we loaded up the Forester, charged our batteries and left for Marsabit on a 4-day photographic trip that ended up being a 7-day adventure.

#TembeaKenya #AfricanTravel #OnetouchLive #TheBigNorth
For many years, The Big North was a forgotten territory. Lack of infrastructure meant only resilient pastoralists and opportunistic bandits called this home. But around 15 years ago, Kibaki’s government decided to prioritise tarmacking of the A2 from Isiolo to Moyale.
The resulting stretch of smooth asphalt has since opened up counties north of Isiolo to adventurers seeking to soak in the beauty of the semi arid lands. Here, landscapes hug the skies where jagged mountains quench themselves by sipping waters from the occasional rain clouds.
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