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Sep 19th 2018
Karen Monahan, alleged victim of Congressman, MN AG candidate, & @DNC Vice Chair, @keithellison, posted this note to her Twitter account from her doctor documenting the state of her health in November of 2017. “...she is worried about retribution if she identifies him publicly.”
Keith Ellison actually made a thinly veiled threat towards Monahan after she went public. When addressing the accusations in the media, he said he didn’t want to “destroy” her. After hearing about what she suffered through during their relationship, it sounds like he already did.
Ellison tormented & frightened Karen Monahan so much her doctor documented her fear as proof. A lot like his 1st alleged victim, Amy L. Alexander, who felt so intimidated by him she moved to another city to get away. When she returned, things got physical & police were involved.
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