RAM (Richard Armande Mills) Profile picture
For freedom and the finer things. @TPUSA College Strategic Director.
19 subscribers
Sep 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
So I was casually scrolling through Instagram when I came across the following post.

I found it so absurd and unbelievable that I didn’t think it was real.

Unfortunately it is very real. Image Illinois Democrats passed House Bill 3653 (ironically dubbed SAFE-T Act) “in the middle of the night with little to no public debate or review.”

Quote source: chicagotribune.com/opinion/commen…

Under it, a slew of crimes (like *2nd Degree Murder*) will no longer warrant jail time or bail. Image
Feb 9, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
It’s time to tell you a little more about the organization I work for, @TPUSA.

A thread… I work for the freedom-focused non-profit organization Turning Point USA.

At @TPUSA, we are a high school and college student’s first line of defense against indoctrination, group think, political extremism, anti-American sentiment, and big government tyranny.

For instance…
Aug 30, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
My Biden thread never refers to him as a “pedophile,” but a “fact-check” cites it anyway in an effort to align it with their “Pants on Fire” ruling— even though it contains categorical evidence documenting Biden’s predation.

@PolitiFact seems to be covering for Biden.

Such BS. ImageImageImage According to @PolitiFact, “Photos that supposedly support the claim are taken out of context or have been directly contradicted by the families involved.”

But that’s not true.

Only 2 of the 40+ videos of Biden preying on women & kids have been contradicted by families involved.
Aug 19, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Trey Songz has a pattern of intimidating, mistreating, and abusing women. A thread.

“I didn’t know what was happening— he just did it.”

“He’s psycho.”

“Held it over the balcony & was like, ‘bitch, if you try & leave I’mma drop this shit.’”

Actress and singer Keke Palmer even touched on the predatory nature of Trey Songz on a talk show.

“Think about your first time where you’re in a situation where someone challenged you sexually...”

“...I hid in the closet for a couple of seconds...”

Jul 14, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
A lot of the COVID—19 data that’s being reported by the media is flawed. So flawed it’s damn-near fraudulent for the government to base any major decisions that wildly impact the public on this data.

It’s time to ask questions and demand answers.

A thread... The CDC is working with the medical industry to track coronavirus infections and deaths via testing.

But the CDC even admits that the antibody tests can come back positive for “[a virus from the same family] that causes the common cold. (source: cdc.gov/coronavirus/20…).”

Huh? Image
Feb 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, while tabling for @TPUSA with student-activist @KatieDaviscourt at @SouthSeattleCC, a woman openly identifying as school staff can be heard telling international students “they don’t like Asian people, they don’t like Black people”—RIGHT NEXT TO US. Isn’t this slander? Update: The woman slandering us to students in the video is a @SouthSeattleCC employee working in the “workforce education” department. She actively stalked and harassed our table, physically impeding on our ability to recruit students and exercise our first amendment rights.
Feb 6, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Either the Iowa caucus needs to be redone with the current results being tossed out and deemed invalid— or Mayor Pete needs to suspend his campaign.

Here’s why.

(A thread.) When the Iowa Dem Party paid Shadow Inc. to develop an app for recording & reporting Iowa caucus results, was it disclosed the CEO who acquired Shadow Inc. was a Buttigieg supporter married to former Hillary staff (who worked for her *IN IOWA*) & a Buttigieg campaign strategist?
Jan 12, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
Sorry, but a @TMZ article that merely claims @Chicago_Police spoke to Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage (with zero evidence backing up the reporting) isn’t enough for me. I need to see pictures and video of those two before I stop worrying about them.

#muteRKelly In #SurvivingRKelly, @Chicago_Police were accused of having insiders that help R. Kelly. @TMZ also appears to be reporting in a way that favors R. Kelly. How are we to be sure Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage are okay based on hearsay from R. Kelly’s camp alone? We need evidence.
Jan 8, 2019 18 tweets 15 min read
I’ve created a timeline to put the disappearance of #AzrielClary into perspective for anyone worried about her after watching #SurvivingRKelly. She hasn’t been seen since 2016. If you have any info that may help me update this timeline, let me know. Tell us where she is, @rkelly! Timeline sources:

∙Azriel tweets that she met R. Kelly

∙Friend claims Azriel is Kelly's "live-in girlfriend" thejasminebrand.com/2017/07/19/tee…

∙Azriel filmed at R. Kelly concert in 2016 tmz.com/2019/01/08/r-k…
Jan 6, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
It’s time to talk about why @rkelly isn’t in jail.

A #SurvivingRKelly related thread. Since @lifetimetv aired a 6 part documentary titled #SurvivingRKelly, we learned @rkelly:
—married a 15 year old
—repeatedly targeted teens
—has a network of support (including police)
—keeps his victims isolated and under his control, in groups
—still currently victimizes girls
Dec 20, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
At #SAS2018 earlier, I was introduced to @kenziehaddix, an Emporia State University student. She told me about her schoolmate, Michaela Todd, who is currently fighting to keep her position as student body VP because she said “illegal aliens.”

Insanity! insider.foxnews.com/amp/article/64… Emporia State’s student body sought to impeach VP Michaela Todd for saying “illegal aliens.” They got backlash from donors & began to backtrack— until she went on Fox News. Now they’re so upset one made this art project attacking Todd. Her grade was 100%.
Dec 5, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
If you weren’t aware, I didn’t enjoy putting together the #BidenGropeTapes thread. In fact, I’ve talked multiple times about how hard it was on me emotionally to review all of that footage. Especially as someone who was preyed upon by an older man as a teen. Yes, I’m a conservative. Yes, I do tend to share negative information about Democrats more than I do Republicans. No, I did not create the #BidenGropeTapes as a political slight. I don’t want Biden to be president because I think he’s a predator, not just because he’s a Democrat.
Nov 20, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
How are no other media outlets reporting that an actress filed a restraining order against @michaelavenatti today— except for @TheBlastNews?

Their own article says “according to court records obtained...” BREAKING: Actress Files for Domestic Violence Restraining Order Against Michael Avenatti trib.al/fmdZLLA
Nov 14, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
While you’re absolutely right, it’s worth mentioning it wasn’t until recently that the right actually made a solid effort to embrace minorities. It’s one reason you see minorities at events hosted by certain conservative orgs/personalities & none at others. Outreach is critical. Minority outreach isn’t identity politics. Only racists think that. Like @MrAyeDee said, the left has succeeded in corrupting the way minorities view the right. Because of this, they must be approached with diplomacy & catered effort. They’ll never embrace conservatism otherwise.
Nov 12, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I love how very few media outlets covered the anti-Iraq/Afghanistan War protests against W. Bush’s Biden-sanctioned Liberty Medal honor organized by veterans, on Veterans Day. Kind of seems like a big deal, if you ask me. It was organized by people who served during Bush’s term. I guess the media was too busy worrying about whether or not Trump attends WWI-related ceremonies abroad to listen to veterans actually in the country.

Nov 11, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Muslim women that escaped Islamic-majority countries for freedom in America worry that Ilhan Omar subtly embraces the oppressive aspects of her religion— even as a U.S. congresswoman.

Way to go, Minnesota voters! When Minnesota gets Sharia Law zones, remember that you were all warned this would happen— and let it.
Nov 8, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
One hand is holding a microphone. The other is essentially swatting the female White House staffer away— touching her while doing so. And I “keep lying”? We’ve all seen the video, Craig. Quit embarrassing yourself. Author, @matthaig1, defended Acosta touching that female WH staffer with whataboutism, never admitted Acosta probably shouldn’t of touched her, then proceeds to like tweets saying Acosta “doesn’t touch her” (which is categorically false) & that I’m a liar. Watch him around women.
Nov 7, 2018 16 tweets 8 min read
.@tarastrong apparently deleted that public video she shared of her and @RenaSofer being racist towards an ethnic man providing them car service for Uber. I’m glad I saved it just in case that poor man they victimized needs it for any reason. Why did you delete that clip, @tarastrong? I thought it was evidence that an Uber driver had threatened your life?

Nov 5, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
In Oregon, we vote on paper ballots that are to be mailed in. I’m old school & always physically drop mine off at the election office. I also host a voter awareness gathering with friends & family to discuss the issues before voting. First time doing it during a midterm election. Oregon’s 2018 midterm election is one of the most important in the state’s history.

Oregon Republicans have a very real shot at
—electing a Republican Governor (for the first time since the 80s)
—repealing the state’s sanctuary status
—prohibiting publicly funded abortions

Nov 3, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
—wouldn’t stand for low black unemployment
—propagate migrant slavery, trafficking, violence, & crime
—cont. the legacy of a racist eugenicist
—reject presumption of innocence
—call bigger tax refunds “crumbs”
—admit they’ll raise taxes
—put illegal aliens over citizens Democrats
—are OK with aborting a baby at nine months
—approve of open borders, even if that means criminal infiltration
—want guns banned
—cast out anyone who doesn’t adopt their totalitarian-like mindset
—destroy cities their politicians are elected to represent
—ignore victims
Oct 30, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
In regards to the recent “rape” allegations against Special Counsel Mueller, I need to see hard evidence and possible corroborating witnesses before I even remotely believe anything I’m told about this. I am treating the recent accusations against Senator Booker the same way. I will always lend an ear & support to proclaimed victims, but they are responsible for substantiating their own allegations. If they ultimately can’t with supporting evidence/witnesses, their claim only holds so much weight & should NOT lead to consequences against the accused.