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Dec 7th 2019
The Traitors Among Us… via @RollingStone "The traitors will sit in Congressional hearings on impeachment knowing the truth about Trump's extortion racket and the grubby, sleazy plan he sent Sondland, Guiliani, et al to carry out.."
"...and tell lie after lie."
"The traitors talk a good game, hands over their withered hearts, about supporting the Constitution but they're happy to ignore it when it suits their purposes."
They defend the indefensible~ silencing witnesses and refusing to testify..
"The traitors deliberately ignore the reporting, counsel, and warnings of the IT community when it comes to Russia's attacks and Putin's vast, continuing intelligence and propaganda warfare against the US."
Their betrayal is also to our system of government.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 18th 2019
Bobo’s Legion of Super Resisters: Time for my list of great resisters, commentators, & analysts. I’ve taken the time to verify all. Follow who you like, but be aware, some may not follow back. This is not technically a FBR list. Don’t get mad if they don’t follow back.
I’ve listed all of you on this Resister List for one of two reasons. You’ve requested addition, & I vetted you, or I appreciated the content you regularly share, & I added you. Or both.

To be added to this list, follow me (if you aren’t already) & send me a DM!
If you are overwhelmed by notifications, please go to the top post & from the drop-down menu, choose Mute This Conversation.

If you change your @, it is your responsibility to notify me. If links are broken or otherwise bad, they will be removed.
Read 62 tweets
May 23rd 2019
Bobo’s Legion of Super Resisters: Time for my list of great resisters, commentators, & analysts. I’ve taken the time to verify all. Follow who you like, but be aware, some may not follow back.

Don’t get mad if they don’t; that's why I don't call this a FBR list!

Let's go!
I’ve listed all of you on this Resister List for one of two reasons. You’ve requested addition, & I vetted you, or I appreciated the content you regularly share, & I added you. Or both.

If you don't think you are making a big enough difference, go make a difference.
Bobo's Soapbox:

We must ramp up our efforts. Get involved locally & nationally. Join get out the vote efforts. Find worthy candidates & actively support them. Educate voters. March. Stump. Use every platform available to get the word out.

We must be the hope we’re looking for!
Read 59 tweets
May 7th 2019
"Jared and Ivanka's landlord~ a billionaire from Chile who rents them their mansion in DC~ will use the Boundary Waters as his toilet" Richard Painter stated "and politicians in MN and DC are handing him the key to the washroom!"…
Painter believes this landlord is not renting a house to them to make money but is "trying to influence" the president's daughter and son-in-law to treat his mines favorably.

In 2017 Luksic's Co said "it was pleased with the Trump admins reversal of Obama era regulations"

The Chilean mine owner, Andronico Luksic, planned to build a sulphur ore mine in Minnesota's Rainey River watershed which drains into the protected Boundary Waters wilderness area.

Sulphur ore mining for copper and nickel is not like traditional mining.
Read 5 tweets

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