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There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

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Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

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7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

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THREAD🧵Many of the corruption allegations swirling around President Biden have been around for years, dating back to his son #HunterBiden’s early trips to #China with him on Air Force Two.

But recently, a flood of new information has come to light.…
This includes allegations from 2 separate whistleblowers—one with the #IRS involving the #HunterBiden criminal probe and another who’s alleging corruption and potential bribes on the part of Joe Biden.

There are also allegations from Rep. @JamesComer regarding flows of foreign……
New Ukraine Revelation

On April 16, 2014, then-Vice President Biden met at the White House with #HunterBiden’s business partner, Devon Archer. Although it isn’t known what was discussed at that meeting, it appeared to have set many events in motion.

One week later, on April 21,…… Image
Read 14 tweets
Nine years ago, #RussiaIsANaziState attacked Jews of #Odesa.

Simon Wiesenthal became our map. On 24 February, full scale #RussiaIsANaziState invasion began that included targeting Jews, killing Holocaust survivors, destroying #Holocaust memorials and using Russian
Protocols of Zion propaganda again for another #Holocaust. Except Odesa Jews were ready. It will take lifetime #RussiaIsANaziState does not have to understand what we did to stop them. #RussiaIsANaziState is collapsing. We ensured it.

You Rashists are never killing Jews again.
Not another pogrom Image
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🔵 #UPR43 l TODAY @UNGeneva

🇷🇴 #Romania’s human rights record will be examined by the @UN 🇺🇳 Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review for the fourth time.

📅 Tuesday 2 May 2023
⏲️ 9:00 – 12:30 (GMT+2)
📰 Image
🔵#UPR43 l LIVE at @UNGeneva.

WATCH 🇷🇴#Romania’s Universal Periodic Review at the @UN🇺🇳 Human Rights Council…
At #UPR43, Traian Hristea, @MAERomania State Secretary, said #Romania🇷🇴 had responded to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic by
-favoring telecommuting work
-transitioning online public administration services, such as education, justice, social and health care Image
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#WarTopic ⚔️🛡️
🔵 "Should the West enter the war?"

#1 🔹 So, in my opinion, the "West" needs to make more specific and important decisions to help those people who want to go to Ukraine and help us in this war.
#2 🔹 Create a global program for training such people, not only servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The prospect of full #NATO entry into the war is unrealistic at this stage, I think you all understand this very well.
#3 🔹 But, NATO can help Ukraine in defense operations, provide a military escort of ships in the grain agreement, and, of course, resolve the issue with Transnistria (part of #Moldova 🇲🇩) , I believe that #Romania 🇷🇴 will also be interested in such a "special operation".
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An aid ship provided by the #Syrian community & the local community in #Romania & #Bulgaria arrived at the port of Tartous on Tuesday, carrying the equivalent of 7 truckloads of medical and food items, children’s supplies, and others.
“The ship set off from the Romanian port of Constance on April 12th, carrying various food aid, clothes, shoes, blankets & beds, in addition to medical materials such as medicines, sterilizers, & supplies for children,” -Hassan Naous-
Naous added “This aid will be delivered to those who deserve it, in coordination with the relief sub-committee in the province.”
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Here we go again. Day 414 of #Russia's mission to wipe #Ukraine from the map and continuing its imperialistic goals.
This is the daily thread with all the news you need.

If you like my work and have a few spare coins you can support me with a coffee here:
Reaction to the beheading videos dominated yesterday's news. If you missed anything or want a recap, here's the link for the start of yesterday's thread.
Click and scroll at your leisure!


Another 540 Russians were killed in #Ukraine yesterday, according to estimates by #Kyiv.

#Russia also still losing above average numbers of artillery systems on the frontline.

#RussiansGoHome Image
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🔴 En #Roumanie 🚨 ALERTE code rouge, neige ! En AVRIL !
La cause ? Le réchauffement climatique, bien sûr ! - Dan Chitic

S'il fait chaud... réchauffement climatique !
S'il fait froid... toujours le réchauffement climatique !
S'il y a de la sécheresse... évidemment, c'est le…… ImageImageImageImage
Bucovina il y a quelques jours.
Bucovina aujourd’hui ! ❄️
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1. I never thought we would ever participate in a dog show, but heard that shepherds were meeting from all over the country at Bran (yes, where said castle is situated associated with Bram Stoker's novel!) and this would be a great opportunity to do some networking. #Transylvania
2. There was lots of networking with people that we would not ordinarily meet with their beautiful dogs. #UCHR #Transylvania
3. There was lots clothing and hardware for sale too! #Shepherds #Romania #Bran #Transylvania #UCHR
Read 20 tweets
Hello and welcome to the daily thread for Friday, with all the news on #Ukraine's defence of its homeland and indeed existence, against #Russia's aggression.

It's Day 401, with all the news you need!
Missed something on Thursday? Click and scroll here:

I'll start with #Russia's losses on the battlefield (as estimated by #Ukraine)

Numbers still well done on peaks. A number of factors: awful weather, and highly likely the invaders are short on cattle/soldiers and ammo meaning fewer attacks across the frontline.

Britain's Intel update for the last day of March shows another problem for #Russia because of the sanctions.

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After law that changed #Moldova language officially to Romanian
The next thing that happened
Is a bill was submitted to the Romanian Parliament demanding the annexation of Ukrainian territories.
Presumably to protect 1mil Romanian population that lives in Ukraine
#Romania would annex the historical territories that belonged to her, respectively, Northern Bukovina, Hertsa region, Budzhak (Cahul, Bolgrad, Izmail), historical Maramures and Snake Island."
"Also, with this law, we want to return cultural identity, traditions, customs and religion to the #Romanian population, whose number is estimated at about 1 million, including mixed families," the author of the legislative initiative states
Read 4 tweets
The world rises up against police brutality and murder.
Solidarity with Stop Cop City, Atlanta
all the way from from Bucharest, Romania. ❤
🇷🇴 🇷🇴 🇷🇴 🇷🇴 🇷🇴 🇷🇴
#Romania Image
Shot 14 times with hands up, autopsy shows.
#StopCopCity Image
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USAF B52 NOBLE41 heading towards #Romania.
-USAF B52 60-0026
-USAF B52 60-0056
B52´s heading towards #Romania
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Hello again. It's Day 369 of the war. #Russia's 10-day war on #Ukraine that is.

Hope your week starts well. It wasn't a great start for Ukrainians with a drone attack as the new week began, but as I write no feared cruise missile attack although there is a warning as I type...
Sunday proved to be quite a newsworthy day concerning #Ukraine, meaning more work for me, including a 4 page essay for Elon Musk - still no reply yet!

To see what you missed, take a scroll back through daily thread number 368 right here:

Much lower losses again for #Russia in the figures published daily by #Ukraine.

Is it the weekend lag or a case of fewer suicidal waves of Russkiy lemmings trying to take #Bakhmut, #Vuhledar et al?

Looks pretty certain now to hit 150k dead soldiers on the first day of spring. Image
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Strade chiuse al traffico in quel di #Kyiv. Poco fa avvistata la presenza di un lungo corteo di vetture blindate. Sembrerebbe appartenere ad una delegazione #USA. Forti rumours sulla presenza di Joe #Biden nella capitale.
In attesa di conferme, il thread va aperto.…
Viceministro degli Esteri ucraino, Andriy Melnik: la diplomazia ucraina sta preparando una "sorpresa" legata alla visita di ospiti stranieri illustri a #Kiev.
Corre fortissimo il tam-tam sulla presenza di #Biden a #Kyiv. Occorre ancora prudenza, in attesa di conferme.

Fosse vero si tratterebbe di un segnale fortissimo all'indirizzo del Cremlino: la conferma che il sostegno #USA all'#Ucraina è incrollabile, senza data di scadenza.
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Today during the new phase of #UkraineRussiaWar, I'll talk about why Nordic, Eastern Europeans and Central Asians want #Russia to be disintegrated, and how pro-Russian supporters seek to undermine these narratives. Thread. 🧵 Image
The map of Russia is very big. Including the Kaliningrad exclave, Russia borders 13 countries on land and one country at the sea. However, Tsarist and Soviet conquests also led to Russia having some sort of influence beyond the border. Image
Being an inland empire, Russia expanded via land, a different compared to typical Western maritime empires. And Russia has, for a long time, treated its colonies in a brutal, repressive manner. ImageImageImageImage
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Hello and welcome to Daily thread number 356 covering #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

Monday was a long day for me, but I was very encouraged by the response and interest from people I met in Brussels at my film launch.

Catch up on the conflict news here:
A year ago I was about to leave #Ukraine, scrambling to fly after airlines cancelled routes out.

It was a little quieter than normal but no-one believed bombs would be raining down in just 10 days' time.

Millions of peaceful lives ruined.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
A spectacular edition of #RussiaOnFire to bring you this morning.

In north-east #Moscow flames quickly engulfed a repair warehouse. It's believed only cars were repaired..

Tyres burning and oil barrels exploding hampered emergency services but 3 people were rescued.
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Hello and welcome to the daily thread about #Ukraine and its defence against #Russia's illegal invasion.

This is Day 352 since last February's all out attack, but now very nearly 9 years since the original invasion. The more the west did nothing, the bolder Putin became:
If you missed anything on Thursday's thread, click and scroll here.

It was particularly telling when a Russian protest group managed to find out #Russia, once cameras has gone, stole back fur coats they'd given to grieving relatives for their losses:
Last night there was a drone wave sent in to Ukraine territory and as I wrote at the time it could well be the precursor to another full missile attack.

That does seem to be happening now with launches detected and mass devastation and death again a possbility for the innocent
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Day 346 of the #RussiaUkraineWar - thanks for reading the start of another daily thread.

Today starts with news of what looks like #Ukraine strikes inside #Russia.

First though the link to Friday's thread in case you missed anything:

So, straight to the breaking news: a big fire to report in #Belgorod region of #Russia.

An oil depot is ablaze after shelling. The plant there is known to have produced metal parts for the Kerch (#Crimea) Bridge.

Another short clip of the fire, which is growing by the way, in the north of #Belgorod region.

it's about 120km from the border with #Ukraine in a town called #Borisov.

No official comment yet from #Russia.
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1. The #UnitedStates has decided on the type of aircraft that will be transferred to #Ukraine. With a high degree of probability, I will assume that it will be the #F16.

An excellent machine, completely freed from all the original shortcomings, brought to mind and, in the⬇️
2. course of numerous upgrades, got the opportunity to use almost the entire range of weapons for the #US Air Force. If you want - bomb, if you want - deliver high-precision strikes, if you want - conduct air combat. In battles with Soviet/Russian-made aircraft, he scored⬇️
3. 65 air victories, without losses. Very easy to operate, considered one of the best single engine fighters in the world. Cheap!!!

Released in huge quantities (more than four and a half thousand).⬇️ #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal
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Whats the mood around Europe and the US with the upcoming #Ramstein meeting, the #Leopard question, regarding #tanks for #Ukraine?
Starting with #France . Le Monde has a good and moderate article about tanks in general for Ukraine, giving a good overview about what was done and what has to be done.…
"For the moment, we are giving Ukraine samples," explains Marc Chassillan. Since the beginning of the war, the equipment delivered has improved in quality and performance, but not in quantity. The deliveries announced are not insignificant, but they will not be sufficient
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Where will those #Leopard come from? We won't get 100 of them, most probably just three groups from Poland, Finland and Germany for now. That's why we need the USA. #Ukraine️ #FreeTheLeopards #tanks
Finnish are realistic about the issue:
"On the other hand, no European country has taken much of a lead on the Leopard issue. Perhaps we will wait and see who will take the first step."
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#RussianNazis have been #RussianNazis since before they funded Nazi Germany with stolen #Holodomor grain.
They were #RussianNazis when they start WWII with Nazi Germany and plan to divide up Europe, that allied evil only end when Hitler betrayed Russia in 1941
They were #RussianNazis when they came to liberate Auschwitz and raped victims there.

“rape of Jewish women survivors of concentration camps, including Stutthof, Ravensbrück and Auschwitz-Birkenau”…
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People r fighting for #Ukraine to get #German Leopard 2 series tanks, thinking it will turn the war upside down. #Israel/i Merkava series is one of the best ever produced and has melted like butter in the 2006 war due to the Ru man-portable anti-tank guided missile 9M133 Kornet.
NATO deepen its war involvement by deploying Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) surveillance planes to #Romania on Jan 17 to support #Ukraine over #Russia, offer advanced intelligence information on the Russian military activity & prolong the war.
Mighty Merkavas Fail In War Gone Awry: ‘Boom, Flames and Smoke’. Celebrated as one of the most heavily protected tanks in the world & the might of #Israel’s ground forces, the Merkava tanks seemed to become practice targets for Hezbollah anti-tank missiles…
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