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Oct 5th 2019
#SAJA25 In ‘03 I was heading to college & start my journalism career. Mom made a really good good point: “there’s not a lot of #Desi journalists out there” she said. So I went on Google & searched “Indian/South Asian journalists?”
I found a simple website Image
To become a member, you had to MAIL A CHECK to a man in Connecticut 🤷🏾‍♀️. So I think it was check # 3 that went to longtime SAJA treasurer @johnlaxmi & a few weeks later I became a student member of the South Asian Journalists Association. Got an email confirmation & everything.
For years being a @sajahq member simply meant that I got their emails. @sree’s constant updates & a rolling compendium of brown journos in the US. As one of the only 🇮🇳 American students at my small Wisconsin college it meant the world just knowing there were other Desi journos
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