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May 16th 2021
Of interest to the #CHD and #ACHD community, Matthew Gillespie of @HeartCare4Kids, a leader in transcatheter pulmonary valves, gave an update on the state of the art over in the Right Sided Valve Interventions session, and as he rightly points out, it all started with CHD! #ACC21
Who needs pulmonary valve replacement?
πŸ‘‰~40K babies born w/ #CHD each yr
πŸ‘‰~22% have RVOT abnormalities
πŸ‘‰For those w/ RV-PA conduits we've had Melody/Sapien valves
πŸ‘‰For the 85% of RVOT pts w/o conduits with PR, these usu won't work due to dilated/distorted/dynamic RVOTs
Work that started ~2004 with Phil Bonhoeffer culminated in first-in-man implantation of a self-expanding RVOT valve reported in 2010 with several devices now available incl. the Medtronic Harmony devices and the Edwards Alterra combined with their Sapien valve in the US. #ACC21
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