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Lidia Thorpe has told the #Senate after making a complaint in 2021 she was assured by the LNP

“that the PM was informed at the time” & she thought
“that they understood the seriousness”

They took it SO seriously that Morrison now says he can’t recall a damn thing about it🙄
Lidia Thorpe quote after Hanson said something to her in the Senate which was inaudible

“Fuck off, Pauline!”

Just prior to this, Pauline was seen saying “Oh rubbish!” as Lidia was speaking.

Reported by Paul Karp/The Guardian.
Thorpe had also said shes “disappointed” that
“Instead of stepping up, taking accountability for the fact that he made me feel unsafe, he denied it.
“He asked his lawyers to send a letter, the same lawyers who represented Christian Porter”

Says it was “sexual assault” & that
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Senator Lidia Thorpe accuses Liberal Senator David Van of having been “harassed & sexually assaulted” by him & that the “PM had to remove him from his office” after Van was speaking on “Safe & Respectful Workplaces” in defence of Linda Reynolds. #Senate
If I heard right, the alleged incident is reported to be from 2021, so under Morrison.
I don’t know anything about this. I think it’s taken most, or everyone by surprise.
I don’t always agree with Lidia, but by golly do #IStandWithLidia here 😔🩷
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Senator Anne Urquhart blasts Liberals for their repeated harassment of Katy Gallagher in the #Senate & for the “impact” it’s having on women who need to “speak out”

Urquhart: “What you’re doing is continually putting a lid on them & telling them to shut up!”
Hard not to be brilliant when you have a golden heart like Anne’s. Inspirational, powerful, courageous. ❤️ Image
#AfternoonBriefing or #SkyAfterDark ?
Barnaby Joyce, questioned on Higgins saga & given platform to weaponise

Jennett: “No doubt it will continue to be argued in the Senate”

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After repeated accusations by Liberal Senators of collusion with #BrittanyHiggins, Katy Gallagher reminds them of the “message that this chamber is sending out to every other woman who might want to stand up”
Falls on deaf ears as Liberals get way out of control. #Senate
They are lining up one after the other accusing & interrogating Gallagher, just like yesterday. Marise was a real Payne in the ass again.
Sarah Henderson asks if Gallagher had a “friendship” with David Shiraz.
Gallagher says it was a “professional relationship” & it would have been the case with a number of Senators.

Henderson asking if Gallagher was invited to Shiraz’ weddings, or ever invited him to any events
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🔥#USA - Jeremy Corbell - Réalisateur de documentaires (traduction ci-dessous)
#UAPs #hearing #classified #forum #Congress #Senate #Senat #Revelation @YvesPDB @BugaultV #JeremyCorbell #UFOSightings #UFO
"...ARRO a reçu plus de deux douzaines de personnes qui sont venues lui dire où se trouve le matériel. Je sais que c'est un fait parce que ces personnes sont venues me voir en premier.
Je sais qu'ils participent à ces projets classifiés et je n'entends rien à ce sujet lors des auditions. C'était très décourageant pour les personnes qui travaillaient sur ces programmes d'exploitation,
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#DYK that on this day in 1854, #Sacramento became the California State Capitol? #SD8

Check out this 🧵courtesy of #TeamAshby and
@AlexCVassar at @CAStateLibrary Image
Other cities in #California that have served as capitals are:

Monterey (1774-1849)
San Jose (1849-1851)
Vallejo (1852-1853)
Benicia (1853-1854)
San Francisco (1862)

Of course, here in #SD8, Sacramento is our favorite! Image
The Assembly Chambers are decorated in green to remind people of the fields (the Assembly had the role of House of Commons.)

The Senate is decorated in red, since that’s the color used by the House of Lords in England (the upper house.) Image
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A @POTUS #judicialnominee was unable to answer basic questions about the U.S. Constitution posed by @SenJohnKennedy during a #Senate hearing
Judge #CharnelleBjelkengren, of Spokane County Superior Court in Washington State
was nominated by President Biden to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington. During her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
#Bjelkengren could not answer #Kennedy's questions about what different parts of the U.S. #Constitution do and how courts might interpret laws.

"Tell me what Article V of the Constitution does," Kennedy instructed Bjelkengren at the beginning of his question time.
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#OTD in 1871 the US Senate passed a resolution creating the Select Committee to Investigate Alleged Outrages in the Southern States. The select committee investigated white supremacist violence in North Carolina and was pivotal to the passing of the Second Enforcement act.
The select committee was made up of five Republicans and two Democrats and held hearings in Washington D.C. to investigate Klan violence in North Carolina during the Kirk-Holden War.
The two Democrats concluded that the racial violence in NC was carried out by Northern "carpetbaggers" while the five Republicans rightfully determined that the Klan “sought to carry out its purpose by murders, whippings, intimidations, and violence, against its opponents.”
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1/ This fight over @GOPLeader isn't really about McCarthy (though for some of the 20 it is). What this is about is the pending #debt ceiling fight likely in February. Here's what's going on (a thread)...
@GOPLeader 2/ 'Twas the night before Xmas (not exactly but close enough) & all thru the night, lobbyists were skulking the decorated hall of Congress, looking for handouts for their special interests. Everyone on Capitol Hill wanted to go home for the holidays so, w/o much debate,
@GOPLeader 3/ A group of elected officials pushed through a $1.7 Trillion spending bill w/o debate or even so much of a "Dear Colleague" letter. It was imperious. What upset some on the Hill the most was that the spending bill was chock full of goodies for Left-wing special interests.
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1) I lived under the regime of the #SEC for 25 years as an investment banker. So what I am about to tell you is nothing new to me. Every member of the securities industry can corroborate and every securities lawyer with integrity can back these statements.
2) DISCLAIMER: Before you proceed, you must know that I am not a #securities lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In addition, these are only my own opinions.
3) The SEC designs rules that makes them "operatively contagious", like a virus. If Im sick and I touch you, you get sick. To understand what this means one first MUST understand the term #Gatekeeper as it is has been commonly used in the regulatory community.
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Fraude potentielle des élections en #France & US?
En attendant les #Midterms, Momotchi & @les_deqodeurs font un top 10 des choses louches et étrangement similaires de ces élections. Ici sur les machines de vote où on peut entrer les votes à la main sur PC…
Machines de votes en #France, si vous voulez vérifier par vous même
#US Elections #Midterms Les Républicains sont en tête pour le moment!
House: 200 sièges contre 179 des démocrates
Sénat 49 sièges contre 48 On croise les doigts
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One of Mike Lee's largest donors was a lobbyist for Russia's 2nd largest bank. Let's get into it.

A thread. With receipts.🧵1/

#mikelee #utah #senate #evanmcmullin
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, disturbing facts have come to light regarding the 7th largest donor to #MikeLee’s campaign committee, Sidley Austin LLP. 🧵2/…
By way of background, Sidley Austin is a law firm with a substantial “government strategies” lobbying capability . Their bench is very deep. They are very connected. 🧵3/ #mikelee…
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1. IMO, #Turkey cannot block #Finland or #Sweden from becoming @NATO members.

The NATO treaty Article I requires unanimous agreement to "invite any other European state . . ."
2. In Madrid, the NATO members unanimously "invited" Sweden and Finland to become members. There was a side "tri-partite" agreement between and among Turkey, Finland and Sweden" regarding the Turkish war on the #Kurds but the accession invitation did not condition
3. the unanimous invitation upon performance of that agreement. Therefore, IMO, nothing Turkey does now can prevent other NATO members granting Article 5 protections to unanimously "invited" Sweden and Finland. Turkey could still refuse to ratify the treaty as to the new members
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#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
* In our country everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty at trial. This is true even though they may have been arrested & charged w/a crime.

*#Wisconsin & the fed. gov't both have ... 1/9
#WisPol ImageImage
#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
...criminal laws, but different approaches re: protecting constitutional #RightsOfAccused AND #PublicSafety.

*U.S. government procedure does NOT generally rely on cash bail — it only considers ... 2/9
#WisPol Image
#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
... public safety. #Wisconsin, in contrast, relies on setting an amount of #CashBail to ensure defendant shows up for trial.

*Wisco’s system of cash bail gives great advantages to ppl w/money... 3/9
#WisPol Image
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1/ The latest out of #Izyum has led to further investigations into Russian atrocities in #Ukraine. What is the American #Congress doing? A 🧵
2/ In my article for @TheWilsonCenter and @kennaninstitute, I examine how Congress is weighing options as Russia continues its unjust war in Ukraine:…
3/ Currently, #Estonia, #Latvia, #Lithuania, #Czechia, #Canada, #Ireland, and #Ukraine have accused #Russia of inciting genocide in Ukraine. This is consistent with the conclusions made by sone leading experts and scholars:…
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An important conversation on Capitol Hill for the fight against #humantrafficking - 13 NGOs & 8 congressional offices met yesterday to discuss the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) & begin conversation about legislative priorities in the next #Congress. Image
As #TVPRA nears the finish line, @IJM is thankful for the hard work of #House & #Senate staff on a vital reauthorization of anti-trafficking policy & programs. Special thanks to Anne Basham & @Hopeforjustice for organizing this unifying event.
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🧵 Group project presentations begin today for the 2022 SFI Complex Systems Summer School! We will share bits and pieces over the next two days...

#CSSS #ComplexSystems
First talk this morning by a team including @JenniferKBriggs @gatesdupont @maikemorrison @davidogara_ @simon_rella Ian Harryman & Haoyuan Luo on their contagion model ("Hopefully you'll see this published later" may as well be the official slogan of this summer school)
Our next group considers online #pornography a strangely under-examined domain for quantitative research & wants to bring #digitalhumanities approaches & multilayer network analysis to bear on it. @gulsahakcakir @AnaVybor @thomas_bssnt @prt_thibault @simon_rella

Take their poll:
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The United States is an incredible statistical outlier among economically developed countries re guns per capita. 1/
#gunviolence #guncontrol #facts #congress #senate
This translates directly to another statistical achievement for our country compared to the rest of the developed world - a several fold higher chance of gun death. 2/
#GunViolence #guncontrol #publichealth #facts #congress #Senate
Your baby or young child now has a 1/100 chance of being killed by a firearm as he/she grows up, and that chance is increasing year-over-year. 3/
#GunViolence #guncontrol #children #facts #congress #senate
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The Aus Senate this Weds will vote on so-called 'three-parent #babies'. These would be #donorconceived babies, genetically the child of 3 people not 2, made by an unregulated, for-profit industry, where there are serious questions about the future for the resulting child. A 🧵
Three-parent babies are made from #mitochondrialDNA donation. For eg: you fertilise a would-be mother's egg, and a donor egg. You suck the middle (the pronucleus) out of both. You put the would-be mother's pronucleus in the 'shell' of the donor egg. You gestate the embryo.
This is to avoid a child inheriting mitochondrial disease from the mother. What it means is: the child inherits DNA from 3 people - bio father, the would-be mother, and the donor. This *is inheritable*. If it's a girl baby, DNA from THREE people will be passed on to her children.
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A huge thank you to everyone who came out to our campaign kickoff today, and a special thank you to our speakers! We appreciate all of you for coming to learn about Josh's vision for Raleigh in 2022.

#bradley4raleigh #ralpol #ncgreenparty
Thank you to Dedan Waciuri from @weareuziiii and @Blacks4Peace for coming out to discuss policing issues with us!
Thank you to Wanda Hunter from @HousingWake for coming out to discuss housing issues with us!
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"Vaccine passports can be used for surveillance under the guise of public health measures." Conspiracy theory? what conspiracy theory?… via @ConversationCA h/t @theStarFort @TyrannyEnding
"Should vaccine passports become mandatory, it is crucial for the public to distinguish between how these documents can be used to ensure public health and how they may violate an individual’s privacy and threaten their security." #Trudeau #Freeland #WEF
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OK, the Future Fund is up at #senate estimates in a few minutes. I'll tweet excerpts. The leadership is likely to be grilled on why it has invested in companies (including weapons manufacturers) doing business with the military junta in Myanmar 1/…
Greens Senator Nick McKim asks chief executive Raphael Arndt if he was aware that the FF was investing in AVIC, a Chinese weapons manufacturer which has armed the Tatmadaw. Arndt says no: "we wouldn't have had that information at the time" 2/
Interesting. Arndt says the Future Fund divested from AVIC in November last year. But *not* because of its links to the Tatmadaw. They got out because in August the US Treasury included the company on a sanctions list for Chinese military companies 3/
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Last night a #VotingRights bill died in the #Senate as two Democrats sided with Republicans against changing the #FILIBUSTER rules.

So what is a filibuster? Check out our #thread to find out the history of this controversial practice.
You might be thinking of a #filibuster as a sweaty congressman holding the House hostage by talking for hours. That’s not really the case anymore.
Instead it’s more of a silent game of #political #chess.
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Sanity check: When you hear Joe Biden and Kamala Harris bleating in #Georgia today about "defending democracy" and the imperative of eliminating the #Senate filibuster in order to enact with the narrowest of majorities legislation...
...that will "protect voting rights," look no further than the Democrats' electoral shenanigans IN GEORGIA last cycle...
...As @jsolomonReports's team reports, the real Democratic priority is stealing elections, not election integrity. We need protection from such malfeasance, not more of it.
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