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Day 374 of #Russia's war of choice.
I hope your weekend will be happy and peaceful, especially if you're in #Ukraine.

Every single day you can catch up on all the news around the war in one place with these daily threads, updated in real time.

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Here's the link to Friday's thread for you to catch up with anything you missed:


For most, it's all eyes on #Bakhmut' in Donetsk region.

Previously an insignifcant town probably fewer than 1% outside #Ukraine had heard of before #Russia's illegal invasion.

Here's the British assessment:
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Quatrième numéro de notre série « Les portraits du Kremlin » : Jacques Baud.
Colonel du renseignement suisse complotiste, négation de crimes de guerre et défense systématique et sournoise de Poutine : Jacques Baud, Au Service de Sa Majesté Vladimir. Image
Jacques Baud est un ancien colonel du renseignement suisse. Il se fait remarquer après la sortie de plusieurs ouvrages sur le renseignement et le terrorisme au tournant des années 1990-2000. Déjà, certains propos font tiquer.
Ainsi, dans une interview au site volontiers complotiste en 2009, Jacques Baud affirme que Ben #Laden n’est pas derrière les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Ça vous situe le bonhomme. Image
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"Per l'amor di Dio, trova un modo per prenderti cura di te stesso".

Per comprendere la portata della TERZA ed ULTIMA puntata del documentario "#Putin Vs the West" bisogna partire dalla fine. E da questa frase, pronunciata da #BorisJohnson nel corso di una drammatica Image
telefonata con Volodymyr #Zelensky nei minuti in cui la #Russia dà inizio all'invasione dell'#Ucraina.
È un BoJo evidentemente turbato dai ricordi, quello che svela di aver offerto al presidente ucraino il supporto del Regno Unito per mettersi in salvo. Offerta rifiutata dal
leader di #Kyiv rimasto, per dirla con le parole di Johnson, "eroicamente dov'era".
Eppure nessuno, nessuno dotato di onestà intellettuale, dopo aver preso visione delle incredibili testimonianze messe insieme dalla BBC potrà accusare l'Occidente di non aver tentato tutto il
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Alle 21 di Londra, le 20 italiane, la BBC manderà in onda "#Putin Vs the West", documentario straordinario dedicato a Vladimir Putin e alle sue relazioni con il leader internazionali. Ma un'anticipazione dedicata alla telefonata intercorsa fra il leader del Cremlino e Boris
Johnson sta già facendo discutere.
I fatti: l'ex primo ministro del Regno Unito ha dichiarato di aver ricevuto - prima dell'invasione - una minaccia da parte del presidente russo.
Essa ha avuto luogo in quella che viene descritta come una "lunghissima" telefonata nel
febbraio 2022.
In risposta all'avviso di Johnson, secondo cui la guerra sarebbe stata per la #Russia una "catastrofe totale", Vladimir Putin rispose che "gli sarebbe bastato un minuto".
Come contestualizzare questa frase? Johnson ha ricostruito il colloquio, sostenendo di
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Unbelievable - #shortage of #oil makes #NATO #warcriminals trying to steal #Syrian oil again.
- The same #CasusBelli that was found to be #false already 4 yrs ago in The #Hague: Articles: 104
#Douma chemical attack that killed 43 in Syria | 27 Jan 2023…
#MSM repeats the same lie: '#DOUMA #CHEMICAL ATTACK 2018.'
Today: "Syrian Military Dropped #Chlorine Gas In Deadly 2018 Attack."
Start: Jan 27, 2023
Last update: Jan 27, 2023
Articles: 107 in 5 hours, 9 pages.…
#Chlorine #Douma #Syria #FalseFlag | 24.04.2018
If it doesn't fit the narrative, there's no harm in shelving it.
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#CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq had NO WMDs. #USA #GeorgeWBush #Cheney @CondoleezzaRice #ColinPowell and #UK #TonyBlair knew it too so they needed a plan to slander #SaddamHussein: Use 3rd party called #Bellingcat to launder #lies via client #journalists + #media, and manipulate World. #CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq ha...
When USEFUL IDIOTS lie: #Navalny with #Bellingcat's Christo Grosev said, "#Novichok disappears from body within hrs" plus Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov trigger phrase "#Putin's signature" for effect. They forgot #Skripal's blood were taken weeks after they were poisoned.
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@ulrikeguerot hat von Osteuropa keine Ahnung, also hat sie sich für ihr Buch Hauke Ritz als Co-Autoren engagiert: einen Philosophen, der in #Moskau sein drittes Rom gefunden hat und #Russland|s #Patriotismus lobt. Passt das zu Guérot, die doch die Nationen überwinden möchte?
Sehr gut sogar: Die gemeinsame Klammer ist ihr #Antiamerikanismus. Dass die rassistische Propaganda-Schnurre von den US-Biowaffenlaboren im Buch auftaucht, überrascht nicht, wenn man die bisherigen Äußerungen von Ritz liest und anhört.

Schaut man sich z.B. sein Gespräch mit Michael Meyen an (der auch #KroneSchmalz hostete), so findet man darin ein Kondensat der russischen Staatspropaganda wieder - von der Behauptung, die Ukraine gehöre zum russischen Kulturraum bis zur Behauptung,
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What is #Psychopathy? And is Vladimir Putin a #Psychopath?

A thread 🧵 based on what we know about his personality and history, and the Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience of the condition

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People describe #Putin as a bully, a mafia boss, a barbaric war criminal, or simply as evil.

All of these views are correct, but Psychopathy is in many ways an attempt at a scientific understanding of evil

If we understand the personality traits and behaviours of psychopaths, we can begin to understand the extent to which a person may be Psychopathic (or not).

As psychopathy exists on a spectrum, perhaps a better question is *how psychopathic* is Putin?

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How can say this? Three reasons.

1. The chemical was not confirmed to be "novichok". Porton Down said it had found novichok in the #Skripal blood samples, but in court PD's expert wouldn't confirm this.
The #OPCW was careful not to explicitly identify #novichok in its analysis of the blood samples it received from the UK. It hedged its language in a strange way, merely saying it "confirmed" the UK's findings relating to the identity of the chemical. (2/6)
2. Nobody knows where the bottle of #novichok that turned up 4 months later in a flat in #Amesbury 8 miles away from #Salisbury, came from -- least of all Charlie Rowley, who supposedly found it. There's no evidence the bottle was ever in #Salisbury. (3/6)
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Die Entschuldigungen „Ich habe mich in #Putin geirrt!“ (#Schwesig) oder wer im Zusammenhang mit der Einschätzung Putins fehlerfrei ist, der werfe den ersten Stein (#Stegner), sind billig & falsch!
Der Krieg in der #Ukraine ist nur ein Punkt in einer langen Liste!

Ein Thread!
Der Krieg in der #Ukraine mag vielleicht überraschend sein – für @ZelenskyyUa allerdings nicht – aber dass Putin ein Despot ist liegt schon seit über 20 Jahren auf dem Tisch. Wer anderes erzählt belügt sich selbst bzw. wollte es einfach nicht wissen.
Denn Opfer, Kriege und Angriffe Putins gibt es viele. Was der Preis dafür sein kann #Putin zu kritisieren, erzählt niemand hinter vorgehaltener Hand, jeder weiß das. Eine Chronologie!

Den Start macht von 1999 bis 2009 der zweite #Tschetschenienkrieg.
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#NATO #US/#Bombing campaigns since 1945
- In practice, US led assassinations and overthrows of legitimate governments and interference with elections may be just as significant as the actual bombings listed here.…
"Babies thrown out of Incubators"…
#OscarAward winner; the best actor
#Kuwaiti ambassador's Daughter lies to Congress | Oct 10, 1990
The #Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional #HumanRights Caucus.…
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#CaroleCadwalladr, seen here with her friend, the "ex-spy" Christopher Steele, has evidently been ordered to re-heat the #Skripal #Salisbury #novichok story (which Steele was involved with) because of the "biolabs" found in #Ukraine. So let's deconstruct her #disinformation. 1/11
#CaroleCadwalladr has long been known to be associated with UK intelligence. Documents reveal her connection to the discredited 'Integrity Initiative', a project intended to build a network of client journalists to promote the establishment's agenda. 2/11
This is the article we'll quickly look at, which #CaroleCadwalladr had published in The Observer today. We will see that she is the antithesis of an investigative journalist, carefully avoiding the important questions about stories like the #Skripals. 3/11…
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Faszinierend, dass in all den Causae - vom #BVT-Skandal bis hin zu #Wirecard & #Marsalek - immer wieder dieselben handelnden Personen auftauchen…
2018 soll ein #OPCW-Dokument geleakt worden sein - mit dem #Marsalek dann vor britischen Managern herumwedelte…
Kurz nach dem #Skripal-Mordanschlag waren das brisante Infos. Die russische GRU führte damals in den Niederlanden eine Spionageoperation gegen #OPCW durch & wollte ein Laboratorium in der Schweiz ausspähen
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'Flat Earth News' @Bynickdavies is a classic analysis of how propaganda works by a great investigative journalist; I was lucky to meet him once at a @NUJofficial event. His remarks about the #Skripal case are essential so I'm uploading them here (video clips in three parts). 1/3
"Big question. What has Mr #Skripal been doing with his time [in Salisbury]?" 2/3
"At the end of the day, it may well be that it was the Kremlin who tried to kill #Skripal. But if it was, we don't understand why." 3/3
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@dankaszeta omitted significant facts and distorted aspects of the #Skripal case in his recent talk for @edskeptics, as I will show in this thread.

Kaszeta's talk is here. It's over an hour long but I'll give ~time reference points with my remarks.

Kaszeta blocked me on Twitter long ago.

This was after I asked him how it was possible that two people as physically different as Sergei and Yulia #Skripal could be *almost simultaneously overcome* by the effects of a nerve agent they had allegedly touched hours before.

After I blocked Kaszeta back (as I do with all who block me) he tried to claim I'd blocked him first!

That's the self-described "king of nerve agent Twitter".

Ah well.

Apart from listening to his @edskeptics talk, I also looked at his book, 'Toxic'.

Let's get started.

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#Habeck und Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine - Kontext: Was tut Russland?

Seit 2014 gab es hunderte Expertenberichte über russische Waffen und Waffenlieferungen in den #Donbas im großen Stil. Der bekannteste Fall ist der der abgeschossenen Boeing #MH17.

In jüngster Zeit haben 2 investigative Recherchen das Bild weiter vervollständigt:

Erstens ein Bericht über die Zugladungen voller Waffen und Munition, die Anfang 2015 während heftiger Kämpfe von Russland in den #Donbas gingen.

Und zweitens die Berichte darüber, wie der Kreml Geheimdienst-Killer nach #Tschechien & #Bulgarien schickte, um mit Bombenanschlägen und Attentaten #Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine zu verhindern.

#GRU #Novichok #Skripal

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I've previously made a short timeline of what we're told happened to the #Skripals on the day they were poisoned (Sunday, Mar 4 2018) using only official/MSM sources. This is an expanded version, again focused on the day of the poisoning. 1/43
Sources are [numbered] and listed at the end of the thread. I have added some sourced *comments and used brackets <where the exact point in the timeline is unclear from the sources>. 2/43
9:15 #Skripal's red BMW is seen in #Salisbury in the area of London Road [1]. It is reported Sergei and Yulia were going to visit the graves of Sergei’s wife and son: Yulia’s mother and brother. 4/43
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Join our livestream on Open-source investigation with the famous group of investigative journalists @Bellingcat.
It starts here and now!
#EndTorture2021 #TogetherAgainstTorture
Open-source info is freely available to the public online. It is not hacking, spying or stealing. We use it to monitor what powerful people do - @N_Waters89 @Bellingcat
Everyone is walking around with a tracking device that can take photos, videos and they can upload them online. It's the most powerful information network humanity has ever seen - @N_Waters89
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Breaking: #Ukraine has brought an inter-state case in the European Court of Human Rights against #Russia over its covert assassination programme - #Litvinenko, #Skripal, @navalny. Some 20+ victims on the list including Anna Politkovskaya & Boris Nemtsov…
Other states where assassinations have taken place (UK, Germany, Bulgaria) can join Ukraine's action as third parties. Several are likely to do so, I'm told. The big question is whether the British foreign secretary Dominic Raab will support the @ECHR_CEDH case
Boris Johnson's government has yet to take action against the oligarchs and Kremlin functionaries who feature on the @navalny list. MPs have called in the House of Commons for sanctions against Roman #Abramovich and Alisher #Usmanov. Will Raab step up?…
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Seeing a few people compare this China Daily video to Russian disinformation operations. The comparison is spot on.

Here are a five similarities to Russian coverage of the 2018 #Skripal poisonings that deserve your attention:
1. Step-by-step pseudo-refutation, attacking ethos, not substance.

The enumerated replies look like a bad high school debate flow chart. Take a look at this account, which constantly engaged in the same activity after the Skripal poisonings.
2. Specifically attacking one reporting team, ignoring the many other sources of information.

During the Skripal poisonings, the target was @bellingcat. For this Xinjiang reporting, it's @BBCNews; ASPI and @adrianzenz have likewise been scrutinized.
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"#Putin waged a campaign to drag us down...Putin's design is to be the last man standing" former US Nat'l Security Adviser HR McMaster tells @washingtonpost live on #Russia "He wants to polarize our societies in the West...pit us against each other"
US adversaries - "They view us as weak at the moment" former US Nat'l Security Adviser HR McMaster tells @washingtonpost

#China's Xi Jinping likely being told that he's winning, opening the way to more aggression, but that China also may see this as a window that's closing
On #Russia and #Putin's denials of bad behavior on the international stage - like with #Skripal #Navalny poisonings: "The president plays into that..." per HR McMaster
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Einige Überlegungen zum Vergiftungsfall #Navalny #Thread

#Merkel hat ja zu keinem Zeitpunkt von eindeutiger Schuld des #Kreml gesprochen. Sie hat lediglich festgehalten, dass eine Vergiftung mit einer Substanz aus der Wirkstoffgruppe von #Novichok – zweifelsfrei – vorliegt. 1/7
Erwähnenswert ist, dass Theresa May sich im Fall #Skripal mit dem Begriff „highly likely“ abzusichern versuchte. #Merkel formuliert ihre Thesen grundsätzlich äußerst überlegt und mit viel Bedacht, die Verwendung des Begriffes „zweifelsfrei“ kann aus diesem Grund... 2/7
...nur eines bedeuten: Für #Merkel steht die Tatsache der Vergiftung #Navalny|s mit einer Substanz aus der Wirkstoffgruppe von #Novichok bereits am 2. September absolut eindeutig fest. 3/7
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Fascinating piece on legal grounds to stop Nord Stream 2 by Konrad Schuller (who doesn’t seen to be on Twitter) in @faznet —> in German, so for all you poor souls who don’t speak my mother tongue, here’s a thread to summarize 1/n… #fplus via @faznet
Background: there’s a growing movement in Berlin arguing for cancellation of Nord Stream 2 (details in my Sept. 10 FT column…)
Now the Green co-party leader @ABaerbock and Green MEP @bueti have laid out the legal argument:
thanks to @szaulo, here’s Konrad Schuller’s twitter handle: @SchullerKonrad
Back to the legal argument for stopping #NordStream2:

1. GE government should declare that the pipeline threatens European security. Why?
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#BREAKING Russian opposition leader @navalny poisoned with #Novichok—same chemical weapon used on #Skripal in #Salisbury, UK—confirmed by German military lab. Berlin summoned Russia's ambassador; will confer w/ EU & NATO partners on appropriate response.…
@navalny Recall Russian doctors treating #Navalny in Omsk acknowledged he'd been poisoned with a toxin dangerous to himself AND others. Then the grey suits arrived, and the doctors suddenly retracted, delaying @navalny leaving for Germany. Where #Novichok was confirmed nonetheless today.
@navalny Last time Russia was caught using nerve agent poison #novichok in the Skripal case, they responded by launching massive #disinformation campaigns against the UK lab, its scientists, and even the Russian scientist who admitted creating the chemical weapon in a Soviet military lab.
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