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Jan 31st 2022
The Court of ASJ Amitabh Rawat in Delhi will today continue hearing Umar Khalid’s bail plea in connection with the Delhi Riots larger conspiracy case.
SPP Amit Prasad shows roads blocked during the riots, says that with these roads blocked, the entire North-East Delhi gets blocked.
Court: Where is the mazaar?

SPP points out.

Read 56 tweets
Jun 11th 2020
My dear friend KalpanaKannabiran writes how the Fight to Free Safoorra Zargar is part of a deeper fight, for India's soul that has been corroded by evil and hatred and worse, a mob mentality that has no respect for due process and the Indian Constitution. #SafooraZaragar #safoora
Brave young lawyers battle a hostile environment as truth has no value & bullying ultimate currency. Kalpana writes with feminist empathy,legal acumen.Others in @HuffPostIndia,@thewire_in hve told the tale of the patient anguish of the… @cjpindia
When will India speak up? asks Kalpana. Its a case of personal liberty. Its a case of conscience of the courts. Of judicial freedom. Of reading the law right. Of fixing democracy when attempts are made to silence dissent. A must must read ...@naukarshah @Asad_Ashraf88
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