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Aug 16th 2020
Martin Turner set out on a bike ride from #Totton 8am yesterday and has not returned.

He was spotted on CCTV going through the toll booth #Studland side of #Sandbanks ferry at 11:30am yesterday so search is now focused on #Purbecks area. #NewForest has been well searched (1/2) ImageImageImage
He was wearing a black @DHC_cc cycle jersey, white helmet and on a blue & back Ridley CX bike. He is 54, slight build and around 5'11"

Please RT, keep an eye out if in the area, and contact Police if you have any info 🙏🤞😔 (2/2)
It has now been confirmed that Martin's body has been found & officially identified. He was recovered by coastguards earlier this afternoon. Thoughts with his wife, family, friends & club.

RIP Martin 😪🚴‍♂️
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