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Jun 28th 2020
1] Life hasn't been easy for #Mwonzora & #Mudzuri on these streets for a while now.

They have absolutely lost control over the narrative

Majority of MDC supporters see their betrayal

Whenever they occasionally tweet something, they are met with negative responses & attacks
2] I've equally seen it on my TL, whenever i post something to do with the MDC-T Leadership.

Although i try to respond to every response, some tweets are riddled with so much anger I'm forced to ignore them.

Everything below the belt, i brush aside.

But here's a diagnosis...
3] Whereas some see plain intolerance in everything anti-Mwonzora for instance, there's more to it

Zimbabwe's political landscape is pregnant with some much anger & frustration

The problem is, these people end up expressing themselves in ways that attract your social sanctions
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