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Mar 23rd 2020
Meta thread on banning short selling & closing the markets.

A lot of the "so-called journalists" and TV anchors are shouting for the markets to be closed. First thing, these people no clue about how markets function. Hosting shows where they get other "geniuses"
to give Rs 1 target and 50paise stop loss stock tips to lure gullible suckers to watch their shows. There's no reason for these guys to ask for market closures. Yesterday, all of a sudden there were a flurry of tweets from these business TV characters
all at the same time. Which clearly shows someone is forcing these people to do this. But anyway, these guys won't know what short selling is if it came and punched them in the face. There have been plenty of incredibly smart people and me (10th fail, no smart) shouting about the
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