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Jun 26th 2018
1. #Mandela100 #Sisulu100 Vawda: Today we are celebrating the life and times of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu, two stalwarts of the liberation struggle who were born 100 years ago. Both were products of social and historical contexts and conditions of their time.
2. #Mandela100 #Sisulu100 Vawda: And in celebrating their lives, all they struggled for, and all they achieved it is important to understand the world that moulded them.
3. #Mandela100 #Sisulu100 Vawda: In 1918 the year of their birth, it had been five years since the passing of the 1913 Natives Land Act. The 1913 Natives Land Act was the most significant piece of legislation in the dispossession of our land by the white minority.
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