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20.06.1943 | #OTD In southern and eastern Amsterdam a big razzia took place on the last remaining Jews. From the gathering places, 5524 Jews were transported to camp Westerbork. Among them were Joseph and Mijam Kulb. On July 9, 1943 they were murdered in #Sobibor. 👇🏼/1 Image
Miriam and Joseph lived just 100 meters from the gatheringpoint in Olympia Square. Joseph had been fired from the Amsterdam municipality on Feb. 28, 1941, and worked at the Jewish Council. Mirjam had been an inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture by profession. /2 Image
The round-up on June 20 was organized in secret. German and Dutch police officers closed off the areas and from 3.30 AM, cars drove around to announce the razzia: non-Jews were ordered to stay inside and Jews were told to report to one of the gatheringpoints. /3 ImageImage
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11.05.1943 | Jozef Wins survived the 11th Transport. 34313 deportees went from @kampwesterbork to #Sobibor, 18 survived and 1 of them is Jozef Wins.
He spent almost two years together with Jules Schelvis and Leo de Vries, and were referred to as "die drei Hollӓnder. Thread 👇🏼/1 Image
Jozef Wins (1915) was born in Amsterdam as a son of Isaäc Wins (1884-1942) and Bloeme Leeda (1892-1942). He had 2 brothers, Samuel (1913-1919) and Salomon (1930-1943), and 2 sisters, Rachel (1918) and Sophia (1927-1942). Rachel and Jozef survived the war. /2 Image
Jozef went into hiding during the war. On March 12, 1943, he was betrayed. He was first locked up in the prison on Amstelveenseweg and later transported to Westerbork as a "criminal" case. /3 ImageImage
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11.05.1943 | 11th transport with 1446 deportees from
@kampwesterbork to #Sobibor | 1 survivor (Jozef Wins)
Rebekka and Aaron Meijers from Hengelo had been in barracks 67 in Westerbork as criminal cases since May 6.
Who were they? And what did they write on May 6? 👇🏼 /1 Image
Aron dealt in all sorts of things (cattle, slaughter, rags, trade, cow hides, rabbit and mole skins for fur processing) and everyone knew him and he everyone. Together with Rebekka, he had 4 children: Leo, Jaap, Rosa and Nanny. /2
In the fall of 1942, Bekka and Aron went into hiding, after which a search warrant was issued.
On May 2, 1943, they were arrested, after which they were placed as criminal cases in barracks 67 in Camp Westerbork. /3 Image
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11.05.1943 | 11e transport met 1446 gedeporteerden van @kampwesterbork naar #Sobibor | 1 overlevende
Rebekka en Aaron Meijers uit Hengelo zaten sinds 6 mei als strafgeval in barak 67 in Westerbork.
Wie waren zij? En wat schreven zij op 6 mei? 👇🏼 /1 Image
Aron handelde in van alles en nog wat (vee, slachter, lompen, handel, koeienhuiden, konijnen- en mollenvellen voor de bontverwerking) en iedereen kende hem en hij iedereen. Samen met Rebekka heeft hij 4 kinderen: Leo, Jaap, Rosa en Nanny. /2 Image
In het najaar van 1942 zijn Bekka en Aron ondergedoken, waarna een opsporingsbericht is uitgevaardigd.
Op 2 mei 1943 zijn ze gearresteerd, waarna ze als strafgeval in barak 67 in kamp Westerbork worden geplaatst. /3 Image
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O5.05.1943 | #OTD SS Brigadeführer Harster sends a secret letter to, amnong others, @kampwesterbork and @KampVughtNM about the "Endlösung der Judenfrage in den Niederlanden". Goal: ASAP more Jews from May 1943 to the extermination camps. In short: ASAP more Jews to #Sobibor. /1 Image
This meant, among other things, the accelerated emptying of camps Westerbork and Vught, big raids in Amsterdam and the deportation of the Rüstungsjuden (working Jews).
There was also mandatory sterilization and the bonus for each Jew reported was increased. /2 ImageImage
The measures were immediately visible in such things as the transport movements from Vught to Westerbork, the large raids in Amsterdam and the rapidly increasing number of deportees by transport to #Sobibor from May 11 (1446), with a peak of 3017 people on June 8. /3 Image
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04.05.1943 | #OTD Postcard from Leo to his dear boys from the ghost train with 1187 people of @kampwesterbork to death camp #Sobibor: "I wish you all the best. I'll be brave and I'll always be thinkig of you. Your father is always in your hearts." Who was Leo?👇🏼/1 Image
Leo is a true Maastricht native and has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Louis goes by @Kamp_Amersfoort to @AuschwitzMuseum. Max, like Leo, is murdered in #Sobibor. Tilly survives the war, as does his mother Rosalie. /2 Image
Single father Leo has 2 sons from his marriage to the non-Jewish Getrud Meuer (div 1937). He owns a textile store on the Grote Gracht in #Maastricht. Emiel lives with his sister's in-laws & neighbours of his store, Butcher Drielsma at Grote Gracht 23 and Jakie with his mother./3 Image
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04.05.1943 | Post van Leo aan zijn lieve jongens vanuit de spooktrein van @kampwesterbork naar #Sobibor: "Ik hoop het beste voor jullie ik zal moed houden en altijd aan jullie denken. Jullies vader is altijd in het hart bij jullie." #transport10 #DaglieveLeo Wie was Leo? 👇🏼/1 Image
Leo is een echte Maastrichtenaar en heeft 2 broers en 1 zus. Louis gaat via @Kamp_Amersfoort naar @AuschwitzMuseum. Max wordt net als Leo in #Sobibor vermoord. Tilly overleefd de oorlog, net als zijn moeder Rosalie. /2 Image
De alleenstaande vader Leo heeft 2 zonen uit zijn huwelijk met de niet-joodse Getrud Meuer (gesch. 1937). Hij bezit een textielzaak aan de Grote Gracht in Maastricht. Emiel woont bij de schoonfamilie van zijn zus, Slagerij Drielsma op Grote Gracht 23 en Jackie bij zijn moeder./3 Image
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27.04.1943 |#OTD The 9th transport from @kampwesterbork to #Sobibor consisted of 1204 people, including the NL composer Leo Smit and his wife Lientje de Vries. His music will be heard in Westerbork on May 4:… Who was he? 👇🏼/1 @MajdanekMuseum Image
Leo Smit was a talented composer, born May 14, 1900 in Amsterdam's Plantage neighborhood. He studied piano and composition at the Amsterdam Conservatory and was the 1st student to graduate cum laude. Smit became a teacher of analysis and harmony at the @ConsAmsterdam /2 Image
On June 28, 1925, his work "Silhouettes" was premiered by the @ConcertgbOrkest. After his military service, he gave up teaching and left for Paris, where he developed his own style and wrote successful pieces, such as the Harp Concerto with Rosa Spier. /3 Image
Read 11 tweets
Heute endet für uns eine lange Recherche. Ab heute, zum #HolocaustMemorialDay, erzählen wir Euch von der kaum zu fassenden Geschichte von Stanislaw Szmajzner, kurz: #Shlomo. Ein Thread. (…) Image
Shlomo ist für mich ein beeindruckender Widerstandsheld & ein bislang noch nicht ausreichend gewürdigter Zeitzeuge, der Unglaubliches geleistet hat. (…)
Viele kennen #Ausschwitz, aber viele Menschen haben noch wenig oder kaum von #Sobibor gehört. Dort, in Ostpolen, an der Grenze zur Ukraine, wurden 1942 & ’43 bis zu 250.000 Juden ermordet - in gerade einmal etwa 17 Monaten. (…)
Read 22 tweets
80 jaar na de oorlog vervaagt bij een deel van de samenleving de herinnering aan de moord en genocide van de Nazi's.
6 miljoen Joden werden vermoord. 500.000 Sinti en Roma werden uitgeroeid.
Op #HolocaustMemorialDay staan wij opnieuw stil bij deze genocide.
In tal van kampen.
🧵 Image
In het vernietigingskamp #Belzec werden 434.508 Joden vermoord. Exact gedocumenteerd. Image
In #Treblinka werden 713.000 tot 1,1 miljoen personen om het leven gebracht. Image
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#cejourla - 22 janv. 1943 – 24 janv. 1943: rafle de Marseille.
Du 22 au 29 janvier 1943, dans le centre-ville de Marseille est opérée la première rafle des Juifs de Marseille et la plus dévastatrice.
L’organisation de la rafle est négociée par les autorités nazies avec les représentants de l’Etat français.
Elle découle de tractations entre les SS et René Bousquet, le secrétaire général à la Police à Vichy, suite à la décision des Allemands de détruire le quartier du Vieux-Port.
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(1/8) On 01-06-1931 Bartha Valk (📷on the right) was born in Groningen. She was the daughter of Mozes, born 25-11-1904 and Naatje Valk nee Cohen, born 25-04-1899. She had a sister Jetje, born 28-02-1934.
Mozes settled in Groningen in 1924 and started a pastry shop.
(2/8) In 1927 he married Naatje Cohen. Before the war they lived in Groningen, but on their Jewish Council card is an adres in Amsterdam. This is probably the house (📷2) they had to move to. This street, the Schalk Burgerstraat, was in the so called judenviertel II...
(3/8) ..or Jewishquarter II. On 20-06-1943 was the last big roundup in Amsterdam. Because previous raids had insufficient results, the German occupier decided to prepare this raid in secret. Early in the morning this neighbourhood was completely closed.
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(1/7) On 26-05-1939 Clara Velleman was born in Roermond. She was the daughter of Maurits (Max), a textile merchant, born 19-02-1907 and Rebecca Velleman nee Cardozo, born 01-06-1909.
Clara had 2 older sisters:
> Esther, born 11-05-1935
> Marianna, born 03-09-1936
(2/7) The family lived in Eindhoven in this house, on the Distelstraat 24.
The following story is from miss Bovenchen, who lived in the same street and played with the girls:

On Nr. 30 in this street lived a NSB-sympathizer.
(The NSB was a fascist party in the Netherlands.)
(3/7) That man knew there was a Jewish woman, with her daughter, hiding at the house of the Bovenchen family. But, the man did not bother the Velleman family, nor the Jewish woman in hiding.
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(1/10) On 24-05-1892 Catharina Godefroi, or Cato as she was called, was born in Amsterdam. She married in 1922, at the age of 30, to Dolf de Levita, born 23-06-1868.
They lived in Amsterdam.
In 1923 they had their first child, Frank. He had a brain disease and was blind.
(2/10) He died very young. When David, their 2nd son, was born in 1926 their joy knew no bounds and they really spoiled the boy. On 19-01-1928 son Frans was born and on 19-05-1931 Henri.
In 1934 Dolf died of a heart attack.
(3/10) She then took care of the children ánd took a job as a diamond worker. A profession that entailed having to live in highly variable financial circumstances.
They were depending on the economic situation of the moment increasing or decreasing the need for diamonds.
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(1/5) On 10-05-1900 Flora de Jong was born in Amsterdam. On 07-02-1923 she married Samuël Isaäc van Oesteren, a diamond polisher, born 28-12-1896 in Amsterdam.

They had 2 children:
> Jacques Samuel, born 16-02-1925 (17)
> Selly Flora, born 09-07-1926 (16)
(2/5) They lived in Amsterdam, in the district betondorp (concrete village).

Both children were in Westerbork probably from 21-07-1942 and were deported to Auschwitz on 27-07-1942. The Dutch holocaust site states that they both died 30-09-1942. 😢
(3/5) Why the children were deported before and without their parents is unclear. A possible reason could be that they were in hiding and were discovered and arrested.
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(1/7) On 09-05-1937 Alfred Lezer was born in Amsterdam. He was the son of Lion Gerzinus (called Leo), born 06-05-1905 and Henriette Lezer nee Fischel, born 15-01-1908. 2 years before, on 07-03-1935, his brother Coenraad was born. ImageImage
(2/7) Leo Lezer and his family came to live in Wijhe in early May 1940, at the request of the Medical Inspectorate to replace the seriously ill doctor Woudstra. After that doctor died he took over the practice. As of May 1941 he was no longer allowed to treat Non-Jewish patients. Image
(3/7) They then moved to Zwolle where he became head of the Jewish hospital, but was not allowed to go out on the street after 20:00. So the nurses on duty were on their own. Early October 1942 the first major deportation from Zwolle took place. They had to report at a gymnasium. ImageImage
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(1/5) On 02-05-1940 Levie Mug, who was called Loeki, was born in Rotterdam. This was 12 days before the Germans bombed Rotterdam.
He was the son of Alexander, born 07-04-1907 and Sara Mug nee de Wolf, born 14-09-1912.
They lived in Rotterdam in the Agniesestraat. ImageImageImage
(2/5) Alexander worked as a doorman at the Cineac Cinema in Rotterdam. He was standing there in an uniform at the entrance. The cinema was opened in 1935 but had to close after the bombings.
It's unknown (to me) what he did for a living afterwards. ImageImageImage
(3/5) From 20-02-1943 they were in concentration camp Vught. It is unclear if they went voluntarily or were deported. They were there for 4 months, but as Levie was only 3 years, he and his mother were deported on the so called children's transport. Image
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Binnen de anti-#coronamaatregelen beweging zie je met enige regelmaat de vergelijking tussen de #lockdown en de #Holocaust.
Recentelijk maakt het kamerlid voor FvD Pepijn van Houwelingen die vergelijking opnieuw.
Het is een bewuste vertekening van de werkelijkheid.
Lees mee.
6 miljoen Joden werden vermoord. Overwegend #Joden.
In #Auschwitz vonden alleen al 1,1 - 1,5 miljoen onschuldigen de dood.
Maar er waren veel meer concentratie- en vernietigingskampen
In het vernietigingskamp #Belzec werden 434.508 Joden vermoord. Exact gedocumenteerd.
Read 19 tweets
Hij doet het weer Thierry Baudet.
Hij wil een escape strategie voor buitenlanders.
Madagascar plan of zoiets.
De nazi’s ontwikkelden voor de #holocaust een plan om van de Joden af te komen.
Het #Madagascar plan.
De oorlogsmisdadiger Himmler schreef er in 1940 over. ImageImageImage
De nazi Franz Rademacher kreeg van de Duitse minister van buitenlandse zaken Joachim von Ribbentrop opdracht een plan op te stellen voor de deportatie van de Europese Joden naar Madagaskar. Juli 1940 publiceerde hij zijn plan.
Zoiets als Thierry Baudet nu voor buitenlanders wil ImageImageImage
Uiteindelijk kwam niets van het Madagaskar plan terecht.
Om toch van de joden af te komen, werd op een andere methodiek overgegaan: massavernietiging.
De holocaust.
Ontwikkelt Baudet zich met zijn Madagaskar suggestie tot een volbloed nazi? ImageImageImageImage
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(1/7) On 25-04-1924 Betje Judik Viool was born in Rotterdam. She was the daughter of Raphäel, born 04-12-1895 who was married to Sophia Viool nee Soesman, born 28-01-1895.
Betje had a younger sister Judik, born 04-05-1926. Both children were the daughters of Raphäel's first wife.
(2/7) Betje was a hairdresser. Betje's father was a pastry chef. The Viool family was a well known family and had several pastery shops in Rotterdam. Many family members worked in those shops.
They used to live in this house.
(3/7) How and when they were deported to #Westerbork is unclear to me. The date on the Jewish Council card says 10-04-1943 as first date. While in Westerbork Raphäel send a card to a nurse Knol in the hospital in Rotterdam.
I don't know if she is related or a good friend.
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(1/8) On 23-04-1911 Simon Looper was born in Amsterdam. He had 6 years of primary education and started his working life transporting loads by bicycle. He soon got his driver's license. Over time he became the owner of a moving and forwarding company. Image
(2/8) In 1932 he married Roza Rijne (📷with Nathan), born 24-10-1910. At that time she was pregnant. Nathan was born on 02-09-1932. A year later, on 03-12-1933 Nathan's brother Isaac was born.

Early 1941 there were anti-Semitic fights in Amsterdam. ImageImageImage
(3/8) Simon made one of his trucks available to the gangs formed by Jewish boys and men. The truck had been converted into a kind of 'robbery van' with which the boys could quickly be on the spot to act against the NSB (NSB was fascist party in the Netherlands).
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(1/8) On 19-04-1862 Helena Seijffers, or Leentje as she was called, was born in Den Bosch. She and her family moved in 1886 to Uden. She worked as a maid with Jewish families throughout the Netherlands. She remains unmarried.
📷Leentje on the right with her sister Rosa.
(2/8) From 1912 she continues to live in Uden for good. With her sister Rosa, brother-in-law Bram Wolf and their two children Cato and Louis. When Louis is married and Bram Wolf dies suddenly in 1933, the three women Rosa, Cato and Leentje continue to live in this house.
(3/8) It is 09-04-1943, 10 days before her 81st birthday, when a bus stops before their house. Leentje is picked up. She has difficulty walking. Her briefcase is thrown into the bus and Leentje herself is roughly picked up and pushed into the bus😠
Two neighbors watch it happen.
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(1/6) On 18-04-1925 Helmut Herz, a carpenter, was born. He was the son of Otto, born 24-03-1898 and Paula Rebecka nee Stern, born 30-11-1899.
Helmut had 3 siblings.
Renate Jenny Regine, born 03-02-1930 and the twins Samuel Paul Albert and Ursula Emma Hermine, born 21-02-1933. ImageImageImageImage
(2/6) The family lived in Schmallenberg, Germany. That's were all the children were also born. They moved to the Netherlands in 1938. Probably to escape fascism.
In Schmallenberg stolpersteine have been placed where they used to live.
In the Netherlands they lived in Dinxperlo. ImageImage
(3/6) Dinxperlo is located on the border with Germany. Together with the German town of Suderwick, it forms a continuous settlement (twin village) through which the border runs.
In the mid 30's many Jewish refugees entered the Netherlands via this border. ImageImage
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