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Aug 14th 2020
Maybe it will make things easier if I start a depository thread. #JamesLindsay #SokalSquared #WhiteNationalism
I included several paragraphs about patterns of white nationalist thought in some of James Lindsay's work and writing in my piece on the recent 2+2 Twitter debate. 1/…
My early thread on #JamesLindsay, Peter Boghossian, and Helen Pluckrose being courted and promoted by the white nationalist Christian organization called Sovereign Nations, run by Michael O'Fallon. 2/

Read 7 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Here's the tea.

@kareem_carr was right in pointing out how #JamesLindsay conceives of his Twitter account as a comedy account & how we can't expect serious engagement from it.

In an interview, Lindsay has offered well-known comedians mocking Trump politics as his comparison. 1/
In that interview, he wasn't speaking of his Twitter account, he was speaking of the conceptual penis hoax. #SokalSquared

Let's go with that comparison for now.

His Twitter account relentlessly tries to mock parts of academia he dislikes. That's fine as far as that goes. 2/
The harassment that sometimes follows from his mocking particular, identifiable, and especially small accounts, that is not so fine.

His blog also mocks parts of academia his dislikes. That would also be fine as far as that goes. 3/
Read 7 tweets
May 31st 2020

Yesterday, Helen tweeted at length at and about me because I didn’t respond to someone else’s tweet about uncharitable reading in a way that she demands. Dozens of tweets and subtweets. Which, fine. Say what you like to say. 1/

The response I did make to the tweet about uncharitable reading: I reminded everyone of an instance where Helen showed a very limited understanding of the history of Western academia. She didn’t respond to that.

Who has a book coming out on Western academic history?


As working academics—who are currently very busy teaching and running university work under pandemic conditions—there should be a point where we can say: that’s the end of it. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Apr 13th 2020
Look, if James Lindsay keeps having such an outsized impact among bigots, transphobes, white supremacists, and misogynists that says nothing, nothing at all about his intent! If you think you can talk to him about it, you are getting correlation and causation backwards! 😜
Take it from Mr. Moth.

Likewise, does it matter what Lindsay's intent is if his impact is leaning consistently towards bigotry? And he keeps denying it does? Does it matter that he thinks he's progressive ackshually, he was for gay marriage?

Not really.

Because, you know, life didn't stop, society didn't stop, the world didn't stop when, decades ago, in your youthful exuberance, you said that gay marriage should be legal when it wasn't already.
Read 13 tweets

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