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Jun 3rd 2023
Careful planning and paying attention to detail are essential to creating a research proposal that stands out. Here are some tactics to help your research proposal stand out from the crowd. #AcademicTwitter #research #academia #PhD @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie Image
Start with a strong introduction.
Indicate the research issue or knowledge gap, emphasizing its importance and relevance. Make a compelling case for why your research is significant and worthy of attention to grab the reader's attention immediately. Image
Show that you have a solid grasp of the body of literature.
Conduct a thorough analysis of the pertinent studies in your discipline. Show how your proposed research expands upon and adds to the body of knowledge, emphasizing the special features and fresh perspectives. Image
Read 11 tweets
May 30th 2023
Thesis Writing 101

I have edited 100,000+ words and tens of theses in science and history (more than I can keep track of!) over the last ten years.

Here are 17 insights from my experience that can help you improve the quality of your #AcademicWriting 🧵
1. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps to catch errors that were overlooked during silent reading. Find the 'Read Aloud' feature on MS Word under 'Review.'

2. Bring coherency: Make sure that each paragraph flows logically so that the overall #thesis structure is well-organized.
3. Improve formatting: Format your #thesis according to your university's guidelines. Adjust the font type, size, header, and footer.

4. Use citation management tools: Using these tools (Mendeley, EndNote, etc.) can help you save time & avoid errors in writing your bibliography.
Read 11 tweets
May 23rd 2023
Here's suggestion number 7 for How to Use #ChatGPT in #Academia for #MedEd and #TwitteRx:

Sometimes getting the output you want is difficult and can take several back and forth discussions. Here's what I first sent ChatGPT to create the #Tweetorial

1/x Image
Not very specific, but I wanted to see where it would take it. Vague input allows #ChatGPT to drive the conversation, and is great for idea generation. I wasn't thrilled with the first response as it was quite boring and would have required me to break up the tweets. 😴

2/x Image
Draft #2 was MUCH closer to the goal, but had 2 big flaws. First, it recommended something it currently cannot due (access realtime data) and it was all a series of prompts.

3/x Image
Read 7 tweets
May 12th 2023
Why #academia loves the #pedophilic #corporate #elite, by @HeerJeet in The Nation: 1/5
"It's easy enough to guess why Harvard bigwigs like
Summers hugged Epstein so tightly. The modern
neoliberal university is a shark that must constantly
consume donations in order to stay alive. 2/5
Epstein in particular had a strong affinity for
evolutionary psychology-a speculative field that often
seems to boil down to a defense of existing social
hierarchies as embodiments of nature. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
I have spent months working out the true story behind #TheLostKing. What was it that made a UK university cut loose the person who most deserved the credit for finding #RichardIII? Here is what I think happened. Thread.
2/n When the #UniversityofLeicester announced in Feb 2013 that they had the evidence to show they had found #RichardIII, they gave #PhilippaLangley the least possible credit. They put her last at their big press conference, after 13 speakers, long after the big announcement.
3/n Ather Mirza of the Uni's News Centre described the announcement like this “The gasps from journalists… were audible. Their cheers at the end of our presentation were spontaneous. The celebratory hugs from the academic panel were genuine.” p30
Read 33 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
The German Federal Minister @starkwatzinger's amendment proposals to the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act are an absolute slap in the face to everyone who's been invested in calling out current issues with German #academia and suggesting genuine solutions. #WissZeitVG 1/ Slogan from the ministry's webpage "Gute Arbeitsbedingu
For a start, much of the proposed "reform" is just hot air. E.g., Encouraging universities to give #PhD candidates an initial 3-year contract: Thankfully, most already do this and those that don't aren't going to be won over by a new "it would be nice if you could..." clause. 2/ Qualifizierungsphase vor der Promotion (R1): Ziel: Wir schaf
Nothing about changing the fact that the 6-year cap on #PhD contracts applies regardless of whether the contract is 50%, 75% or 100% FTE. Thus effectively confirming that doctoral researchers on part-time contract are expected to complete their PhDs in their free time or quit. 3/
Read 17 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Tools & tricks I use to search for scientific information. 🧵 1/n

1. is the main tool to search for keywords & connections. But it really shines with its browser extension ...⬇️

#AcademicTwitter #physics #Science #academia #PhDAdvice
1...Google Scholar Button automatically picks up the paper you read and provides info on it. That saves a TON of time over the day. Also, "Cite" allows to immediately export the citation in bibtex. Very convenient!

2. finds open access copy..⬇️ 2/n
2...of a paper that is linked to the journal page you're currently on. Sometimes it's arXiv, sometimes -- some other open resources. Even when I'm not at the institute, I can always access the papers I need in one click.

Read 10 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
The establishment creates this problem by first denying the disease, creating a vacuum that quickly fills up with untested treatments & questionable cures. Then they go about trashing their victims who desperately need relief, and the doctors who are willing to treat.
#BTDT #Lyme
It is both infuriating & heart wrenching to watch this scene play out again, with some of the same establishment players engaging in narrative control. Go to ~48:00 for IDSA creep Paul Auwaerter’s word salad tossed at Congress, thx to my friend @PowerOfNeo…
That they have denied, conflated & confused for DECADES #LymeDisease #ME #mecfs #cfs #fibromyalgia and passed them off as psychiatric, and now are doing the same with #LongCovid, should tell you all you need to know about #PublicHealth’s intentions.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
🔥podcast on Pharma billionaire Barry Sherman.…

As @kathleengoldhar @blandrea outline: this wasn't just about a violent death, but the consequences of #Pharma "partnering" with academia.

🧵on why this matters to any who may ever need a prescription drug.
"Barry Sherman is the only person I have ever met with no redeeming features whatsoever":
🎯Dr. Morton Shulman in…
But this was not just a matter of an abrasive personality.
In 1996, I identified problems in the safety of a drug in a clinical trial of *children*, a trial to which Sherman had provided minor funds to obtain patent rights.

He threatened 'all legal remedies' if I published.
I published anyway.

Decades of litigation were to follow.
/3 Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 28th 2023

“The process of #rationalization central to #capitalism has required the creation of an intermediate stratum comprising the specialists of this rationalization, as #administrators, #technicians, #scientists, #educators. The very complexity of not... Image
... only the #technology but the social system has made it essential that this stratum be large and, over time, expanding.The funds that have been used to support it have been drawn from the global surplus, as extracted through entrepreneurs and states. In this elementary but ...
... fundamental sense these #cadres have therefore been part of the #bourgeoisie whose claim to participation in the sharing-out of the surplus has been given precise ideological form in the twentieth-century concept of #HumanCapital. Having relatively little real capital to ...
Read 11 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
"‘Freedom of speech’ in the #university setting has been at the heart of these arguments. The relationship between #academia and #politics is genuinely tricky and the two spheres cannot be as easily separated as naïvely ‘value-free’ ...…
... scientists would have us believe. Yet the sociologists Sarah Speck and Paula Villa are rightly critical of ‘the conflation of politics and scholarship, however progressive or well-intended these may be’, for example ‘when instructors or students fail to distinguish ...
... between a university seminar and an activist training session, with reading lists guided solely by political preference, or when research unhesitatingly adopts questions and categories from an activist agenda’. #Research, they say, must ‘remain open and free from...
Read 4 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
@thepollenberry @liverpoolpost @jlaverick99 @PaulGarnerWoof ☑️

Garner had post viral fatigue in March’20 and was scuba diving abroad a few months later.

Short #LongCovid is not #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

Garner is a #Gaslighting troll
A disgrace to #academia
A charlatan

@b_m_hughes  Garner had post viral fati...
@thepollenberry @liverpoolpost @jlaverick99 @PaulGarnerWoof @keithgeraghty @davidtuller1 @b_m_hughes ☑️

Garner is a confused character who fell under the influence of Professor Sir Simon Wesley

”It is only human for doctors to view the public as foolish, uncomprehending, hysterical or malingering”…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
A thread on methods of teaching #bioethics:
Most bioethics textbooks use ideal theory. They start with ethical theories that can be applied to case studies... 1/6
Ideal theory, says Charles Mills, is “a distortional complex of ideas, values, norms, and beliefs that reflects the nonrepresentative interests and experiences of a small minority of the national population.”... 2/6
Ideal theory focuses on ideals to the exclusion of non-ideal social conditions. It asks us to look at cases/scenarios detached from our dystopian (white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist, eugenic) reality... 3/6
Read 7 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Haven't seen a better representation of what a Ph.D. is/should be.
#AcademicTwitter #academia #research @PhDVoice @PhD_Genie
Read 4 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Father and Assistant Professor Arno Solin on stage today at @CSAalto speaking about the challenges of balancing the responsibilities of fatherhood and a career in academia. How does one manage time and priorities to find fulfilment in both? @arnosolin @AaltoUniversity @FCAI_fi Arno Solin dressed in a whi...
‘I don’t think I’ve ever been to a talk about this topic within #academia and it’s wonderful that we have places to share these experiences, although I don’t have clear-cut answers.’
‘This is how I would usually present myself in an academic talk. I won’t be doing that today.’ A slide from a presentation...
Read 11 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Academic Writing is a skill all on it’s own. And it can be a hard one to master.

Luckily there are now AI tools that can teach you how to be a better academic writer.

Here are 3 ways Paperpal helped me:


#academia #phdlife #phdchat #science #AcademicChatter #phdvoice
Paperpal is an AI tool that has been trained on millions of academic research papers.

It understands how manuscripts are written and supports over 1300 subject areas.

Paperpal can give grammar and language suggestions that actually improve your manuscript while you write.
And I love using the MS word plug in it to write my manuscript !

As a non-native English speaker I'd say my English is pretty good, but sometimes finding the right word or synonym to get my point across can be a hassle. And I'm never 1 to pass up ways to improve my writing!
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
My email this morning to HR. I am sharing this an activist practice & in peace & love.

"Dear HR, Your employees have:

1) threatened me
2) sexually harassed me
3) discriminated against my identities
in front of all my colleagues and all my students on listserv
4) disregarded my consent
5) kissed me on the mouth as if I ever wanted that
in front of another colleague, & wife of the colleague who committed battery against me

So I am going to need your Office to change your tone.
I am going to need you to learn about and embrace disability justice principles [link].

And then I am going to need you to begin practicing disability justice principles.

Towards me.

In the very mechanisms that your office uses regularly.…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
It’s been 2+ weeks since #Jewish and #Zionist students @UMich were subjected to a hateful campus march, w/their peers & others parading across the campus grounds shouting threatening slogans—and still not a word from the university administration 😩 #antisemitism @UMichPrezOno
What happened on 1/12 at the University of Michigan was a hate rally, w/rhetoric evoking images of violence and terror, expertly choreographed & disseminated to online platforms. Sad to see the campus exploited by propagandists & the educational mission so grievously subverted 😞
.@TheAENetwork calls on @UMichPrezOno to develop an action plan for student & staff educational programming & training around #Jewish identity, #Israel 🇮🇱 and #Antisemitism.
All students need to feel supported, welcomed, & safe on this campus! #LeadershipMatters #academia
Read 4 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Active Learning Lessons, Activities, and Assignments for the Modern Social Work Educator #ActiveLearning #HigherEd #Academia #SocialWork #SocialWorkTwitter

A thread ⬇️…
My book, Active Learning Lessons, Activities, and Assignments for the Modern Social Work Educator (…) has been published!!
Read 17 tweets
Dec 12th 2022

A step-by-step guide to #AcademicTwitter

- how to write a bio
- who to follow
- how to find new research
- how to tweet your research
- why Twitter isn't a waste of time

Bookmark this 🧵!

@AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics @ThePhDPlace
Step 1: You join Twitter
Step 2: You read this thread on how to writing an amazing #AcademicTwitter bio

Read 7 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
It's time for a MetaThread!

Every couple of months or so I create a thread about very useful threads I saved from Twitter. Let's get started 🧵
Read 25 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
1. Is it wrong to let students use AI to generate essays instead of doing their own work? My colleague Gabriele Contessa wrote an excellent response to this question, which goes something like this:
2. (1) University students are adults and it's up to them whether to waste their time and money on a specious degree or actually learn something; (2) If AI can write better than most people, then maybe what students need to learn is how to use AI.
3. I want to add one more response to this question: (3) Academia was always a rigged game. The fact that we force students to use Standard English is a political choice that reinforces the elite status of the group that predominantly uses this vernacular - wealthy white people.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
GPT3 just wrote this grant in less than 1 min!! 🤯

#OpenAI #OpenAIChat #AcademicTwitter #GPT3 ImageImageImageImage
A literature review written in a few seconds.

#OpenAI #OpenAIChat #AcademicTwitter #GPT3 #ChatGPT #AcademicChatter ImageImageImageImage
One issue I saw though is that the links to the references it cites are inaccurate. Here we are talking about machine learning classification and it cites this instead (not relevant):…

Several e.g. with similar results.

#OpenAIChat #GPT3 #ChatGPT @OpenAI ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
this thread sums up #academia so well. i hated so much of it, but kept telling myself the 10 % i love (the research) made up for the 90 % of shit the majority of the time.

i delayed leaving because of that 10 %.

#AcademicTwitter #phdchat #ucuRISING
leaving required a sort of mourning (appreciate this sounds dramatic); i was losing my identity as an academic

my skills and knowledge are so specialised who would even want me anyway?

why would i even want to lose what i have? i have academic freedom after all!!
then my planned redundancy went ahead even though we were eligible for furlough. my next plans (to go to Sweden) fell through because of the plague.

there were no jobs. i stopped being an academic by force. i thought i'd be miserable.
Read 7 tweets

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