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Nov 26th 2020
2020 brought much hardship, but music kept us together, even if we sang & danced from a distance.

I am not a musical expert, but these are the songs...the songs I loved. Join me through the year's end as I count
them down.

#SongsOf2020 playlist: Image
#Songsof2020 #50: @anonymotif - Speaking Moistly

An '80s-angled mix of @JustinTrudeau's gaffe was the pop culture moment we needed in Week 4 of the pandemic. Infectious in the right ways.

The song:

My Spotify #BestOf2020
#Songsof2020 #49: Fionn - Modern Medication

A Vancouver pop duo writhes around in resentment for the social media generation as they witness their own seams come apart.

The song:

My Spotify #BestOf2020 playlist: @fionnband
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