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Jun 2nd 2023
🚨ARE THE JAMIE FOXX RUMORS TRUE⁉️ #VaccineInjured #Blind #Stroke
**Thread 🧵**
📌Rumors have been swirling about Jamie Foxx's health condition, with some speculations that he had a stroke or is now blind. #JamieFoxx
📌Nick Cannon, a close friend of Foxx and fellow entertainer, has stepped in during Foxx's recovery. Cannon has been respectful of Foxx's privacy, stating that he only shares information given to him and asked of him. #NickCannon #RespectPrivacy Image
📌Cannon had previously offered to be a mouthpiece for Foxx and his camp but was turned down politely. Foxx's team seems to prefer to handle the situation on their own terms. #SupportingFriends
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