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Jul 7th 2022
Ramai ibu hamil di Malaysia berada dalam dilema apabila menyebut tentang susu ibu hamil.

Artikel ini menerangkan kepentingan pengambilan susu dalam golongan ibu hamil, perbezaan 3 jenis susu dan sebagainya.

#susu #ibu #hamil…
Antara dilema yang mereka hadapi ialah tempoh pengambilan dan nutrisi terkandung di dalam produk tersebut

Pengambilan susu adalah digalakkan untuk memastikan agar si ibu menerima khasiat yang secukupnya sepanjang tempoh kehamilan
Read 3 tweets
Jun 20th 2021
Longsor Tulungagung, Ketua DPD RI Minta Akses Warga Diprioritaskan

#Lanyalla #dpdri #longsor #tulungagung #akses #sendang #pagerwojo #listrik #susu #jatim Image
JAKARTA - Bencana longsor di Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, mendapat perhatian Ketua DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. Ia meminta pemerintah daerah memprioritaskan pembukaan akses jalan untuk warga.
Longsor di Tulungagung terjadi Kamis, (17/6/2021). Berdasarkan informasi dari BPBD, ada belasan lokasi tanah longsor di Tulungagung akibat intensitas hujan tinggi. Lokasi tersebut berada di Kecamatan Sendang dan Kecamatan Pagerwojo.

Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
#HardipSinghPuri - the man coming to Kanchipuram, is out of respect - behind it is a shrewd move too, politically. This man served in Sri Lanka, has met the #LTTE supremo , offered the best , which was not taken (poor @SeemanOfficial now - his lies will fall flat on his face )
2. He's also well versed in Tamil; the malefic lie by @KanimozhiDMK seems to be spreading beyond TN, as there are reports from Punjab, that Hindi letters are being scrapped of by probably the khalistani faction (this part I'm yet to confirm),needs to be nipped in the bud itself,
3. We can't afford another 1966-67 situation in TN,and DMK is sure to use every possible viability to regain power - I'm of the thought that BJP think tank is now seriously considering TN, in order to quench the flames that are being led by DMK in almost all scenario, visibly.
Read 7 tweets

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