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Jan 14th 2020
THREAD: PHIVOLCS holds a media briefing.
PHIVOLCS: Mayroon pang magma na umaakyat sa Taal.

PHIVOLCS reiterates evacuation of Taal Volcano Island, Taal Lake and high-risk areas.

Read 19 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
HAPPENING NOW: The UP College of Science holds a press briefing to discuss the College's findings on the recent Taal eruption, their recommedations, and their plan of action in the coming days as part of the college's mandate to 'bring science to the people'.
University geologists are 'already in the field,' says Dr. Marco Aurelio, director of the National Institute of Geological Science.
Ash plumes reach 'well above the height where airplanes fly,' states Dr. Gerry Baglasa of the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology. #TaalEruption2020
Read 10 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Please SAVE & SHARE these infographics to your friends & family. You may also LIKE & RT to reach out to your followers. [ctto]

#PrayForBatangas #PrayForLuzon
#PrayForPhilippines #TaalEruption2020
#TaalEruption2020 #TaalVolcano 🙏
Emergency Contact Numbers 👇
Ashfall Preparedness Guide 👇
Read 18 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Después de mas de 40 años de relativa calma, el #volcán #Taal 🌋 en #Filipinas 🇵🇭 entra en erupción.
#hilo 👇

#TaalVolcano #TaalEruption
Este fin de semana el volcán #Taan experimento una fuerte erupción freatomagmática.
Por cierto el volcán #Taal se encuentra dentro de un lago del mismo nombre en la isla de norteña de #Luzon #Filipinas, a 70 km al sur de la capital #Manila. 🇵🇭

*Un curioso caso de isla interior dentro de otra isla.
Read 23 tweets

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