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Mar 4th 2022
For 2+ yrs, Shih Shui-huan's morning routine consisted of making 2 bento boxes replete w/ the flavors of her hometown, #Tainan. Oddly enough, the bachelorette lived alone in employee lodgings as a Taipei postal worker. She was also severely malnourished—weighing 38kg upon arrest.
Shih, who was secretly sheltering her wanted brother, evaded suspicion by buying single-household groceries. He spent daytime in the ceiling, and slept below the wood floors at night, according to accounts theorizing the KMT soldiers had little knowledge of Japanese architecture.
But a spurred admirer repeatedly tried to get her friend in trouble. Ting Yao-tiao cautioned Shih re her suitor's unsavory character, and in return, he reported Ting's book collection — but his letters were intercepted by Ting's friend Wu Li-shui, who worked at the postal office.
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