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Mar 23rd 2022
1/ 🪂It has been brought to our attention that there is some confusion surrounding our @terra_money $Luna #Stakedrop campaign; on how to stake & complete the quiz.

📚We prepared a thread walking you through how to participate to receive your $MNTL stakedrop.

2/ $LUNA staking issue.

Terra does not have native @keplrwallet integration, staking from the wallet is not possible. To properly stake, use #Terrrastation wallet:

♦️ A) Import the Keplr mnemonic to TerraSation.
♦️ B) Create a new TerraStation wallet.
3/ Proceeding with option "A".

Users who choose this option will have a swift resolution because importing a mnemonic phrase makes your funds accessible within Terra Station wallet (which is capable of staking $LUNA).

ℹ️Follow the magic txs steps here: 🔗
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