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In 1962, a year before Kenya gained independence a young man named James Mwangi was born in Nyagatugu, Kangema. A settlement in Muranga County to peasant farmers, Mwangi’s parents had no formal education & lived apart from what he calls the ‘monetary society’.
His Papa was killed during the Emergency. He and six siblings were raised by their single Maitu Grace Mwangi.
Uneducated herself, Mwangi’s mother, an anchor throughout his life, was adamant & uncompromising about school. #ThePeoplesBanker
To achieve this dream, Grace imposed a strict code of discipline in her household whilst encouraging an entrepreneurial fervor in her children. The family sold milk, tea, charcoal, fruits to stay afloat. It was an important training ground for the young Mwangi.
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