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May 12th 2020
The shot goes up. Time stands still. Silence as the ball bounces, bounces, bounces, bounces and finally goes in, changing the trajectory of a franchise.

One year later, Kawhi Leonard's Four Bouncer still feels like vindication for the Raptors. @SmithRaps…
On its one year anniversary, @jacoblorinc wrote an oral history of #TheShot.

Featuring perspectives of @Bandreescu_, @Matt__Devlin, @LeoRautins, @superfan_nav, @JohnTory and @WalderSports.…
.@bruce_arthur's column on Kawhi from that Sunday night:

In the biggest season in the franchise’s history, Toronto beat Philadelphia in a Game 7, 18 years after Vince Carter’s big miss. This time, they found out they had enough. Call it graduation day.…
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