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Feb 2nd 2023
1. I've seen this photo several times now. What folks don't know is that this captured encounter would have been just as sincere -- even if the cameras were not there. I'm saying this from experience.

I've tried so hard to remain quiet about the terrible narratives that's been
2. pushed about our Vice President of the United States. I can not remain quiet anymore.

Those who have pushed or continue to push awful stories about her are doing it with darkness in their hearts. YOU KNOW YOU ARE LYING.

You talk about how she speaks or how she shares her
joy, and you LIE about how involved she's been in trying to improve the quality of life for some of our country's most vulnerable. You LIE when you report that you don't see her when she's literally been EVERYWHERE.

Why? What's in your heart that prevents you
Read 4 tweets
Feb 26th 2020
What people are missing about Warren's attack on Bloomberg last night:

1) She clearly doesn't like MB
2) MB is a stand-in for Trump

When she yelled "This is personal" to MB, she was yelling what millions of women want to yell to Trump's face since the Access Hollywood tape.
Every woman I know wants to yell at Trump "THIS IS PERSONAL" and watch him fall back on his heels with no response.

That's why we marched. Why we've voted. Why we've organized. THIS IS PERSONAL.
Because the personal is political. We know that. We've always known it.

It is personal about our work, our bodies, our health, our future, our vision of justice and community. THIS IS PERSONAL.
Read 16 tweets

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