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Nov 16th 2020
Thread: Yep, we've been saying this for a while: weed-out classes don't "select" for capacity, they "select" for confidence, comfort--which, surprise!, are deeply gendered and raced. (also, "State of Mind" suggests it's the student's fault and is gross.)…
Actually just did a talk about this (for the wonderful CS faculty at @WPI! There's so much great research in STS and in CS Education that shows how perceptions of belonging are crucial for retention. But "belonging" isn't just about feeling socially comfortable in class.
Belonging is also about epistemic alignment--feeling like the broad goals, problem-solving patterns, and problem framing and identification norms of a discipline are in line with your life experiences and understandings of the world.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 18th 2019
Thank you, @annetiquate & @caitduffy49 for the opportunity to speak today and to all of you who are participating. I'll be talking about the role of Twitter and social media in humanities knowledge production and how they've influenced my work. #HCTwitterConf19
I often say I owe my entire career to Twitter. And that's true - though I'm super conscious of my reliance on a third-party platform with a dubious track record on social justice. #HCTwitterConf19
Twitter has been a space of connection and intellectual community that I've never been able to find consistently anywhere else - ever. #HCTwitterConf19
Read 39 tweets

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