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Aug 24th 2020
#TrumpIsHitler (thread)
He puts children, even babies, in cages to sleep on hard concrete floors. They are hidden away in private prisons and anonymous hotels with posted guards.They are not given PPE or covid testing. He conceals their death toll. He sends families back where
they face violence, rape and death from terrorists and thieves. Trump does not care. He actively fixes elections. He destroys the rule of law. He rules with fear. He is slaughtering the people. He has an army of special police that attack Americans peacefully protesting.
What do the democrats do about it? Complain. Have hearings. Why not #IMpeachTrumpAgain and expose his horrific crimes to the world? Why hesitate? @SpeakerPelosi @RepAdamSchiff @AyannaPressley @AOC @RepJayapal @RepSwalwell Image
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