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@DrTedros "As you know, just under three weeks ago I declared an end to #COVID19 as a public health emergency of international concern.

It was a moment of relief and reflection.

It’s encouraging to see life return to normal – to be able to hug a friend, to travel freely, and to meet…… Image
@DrTedros "But at the same time, many of us continue to carry grief in our hearts – grief over those we have lost, grief at the terrible toll the pandemic has taken on families, communities, societies and economies, and grief that it didn’t need to be this way"-@DrTedros #WHA76
Read 56 tweets
🔴El Ministerio de Sanidad colaborará con @SEIMC_ y @SeparRespira para desarrollar acciones en materia de prevención y control de la #tuberculosis…

#WorldTBDay #DíaMundialDeLaTuberculosis
✔️ La SE @silvia_calzon, y la DG @paparicio3 se reunieron el 22 de marzo con representantes de la acción multisectorial frente a la tuberculosis de las diferentes administraciones central y autonómica, sociedades científicas, sociedad civil, investigación y sector académico.
✔️ Según la @WHO, unos 10 millones de personas enferman cada año a causa de la tuberculosis y 1,5 millones murieron solo en 2020.

✔️ España es un país de baja incidencia, con una tasa anual inferior a 10 casos por 100.000 habitantes.

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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Tuesday, #Tanzania confirmed its first known cases of #Marburg virus disease. So far, 8 cases have been confirmed, including 5 deaths. More than 160 contacts have been identified and are being monitored"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "National responders trained jointly by WHO and the @CDCgov have been deployed to the affected region to carry out further investigations, monitor contacts and provide clinical care"-@DrTedros #Tanzania #Marburg
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#BCG #vaccine is given at birth to provide “supposed” protection in the early years when the infection is supposed to lead to #tuberculosis.

Now let us dive deeper and read a few facts and ask a few questions including the need for BCG vaccination!…
There is a widespread disagreement within the medical ranks as to the value and safety of the #BCG #vaccine . Controlled trials have found extremely variable immunity in #vaccine recipients Image
Study from India: “BCG-Russia with or without OPV had no effect on neonatal mortality” . A study of 2 randomized trials found BCG vaccine had no positive impact on neonatal mortality. (Jayaraman et al.)

@amitavb1 @ArvindK26905698 @VMaya11156…
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This is what happens when you legalize the spreading of COVID-19.

Everyone gets a free license to spread whatever they want like #tuberculosis, and they kind of have a point. Not illegal for COVID, why illegal for TB?
Oh, don't worry, it's not COVID; it's just TUBERCULOSIS!
Both are BSL-3 pathogens. I think they need to make spreading COVID illegal too otherwise this makes no sense.
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LIVE: Opening of 152nd WHO Executive Board meeting…
"Three years ago today, I declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global spread of #COVID19 – the highest level of alarm under the International Health Regulations, and for the moment, the only level of alarm"-@DrTedros #EB152
@DrTedros "As you know, on Friday the Emergency Committee met to consider whether that remains the case. The committee has advised me that in its view, #COVID19 remains a global health emergency, and I agree"-@DrTedros #EB152
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#SanDiego #Housing Commissioner/Vice Chair #RyanClumpner seems to be in a mood today
Let's cheer him up by reviewing accomplishments of his agency, shall we?
Of the 1566 people leaving shelters
- 78% did NOT report (920) or are back on the street (300)
Way to be accountable Ryan! Source:
How much did #CityofSanDiego pay for #AlphaProjectSD shelters that #HousingCommission show have a 78% failure rate, and how long do people stay?
- $1.8 million over past year (at least)
- 1373 households
- Avg. stay: 57 days
- Avg. stay for actual permanent #housing: 109 days
Last year I submitted a #PublicRecord request re:#AlphaProjectSD contracts w/#CityofSanDiego
The request is still open
-1000s of documents have been shared, many showing problems:
Millions in public $$ received
People exposed to dirty water & illnesses: #COVID & #tuberculosis
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Remember when @sullivanms provided hot drinks to people kicked out of #SanDiego inclement weather shelters at 5AM?
FYI: #AlphaProjectSD does "not aim at making #homelessness easier, or less costly, or more tolerable"

Alpha staff does this to make lives even harder for #PEH
#AlphaProjectSD gets millions in taxpayer $$ to provide #homelessness shelter & services- yet has failed to provide clean restrooms & or safe drinking water
Despite record rainfall: they don't provide more inclement weather shelters
TIME TO #AuditAlphaProject #CityofSanDiego
Last year I submitted a #PublicRecord request re:#AlphaProjectSD contracts w/#CityofSanDiego
The request is still open
-1000s of documents have been sent to me showing a pattern:
Millions in public $$ received
People exposed to dirty water & illnesses: #COVID & #tuberculosis
Read 4 tweets
Middle aged patient presents with insidous onset, progressively worsening SOB.

Chest is full of wheezing and creps.

What is this?

#MedTwitter Image
This is the HRCT thorax. Image
This is a biopsy proven adenocarcinoma.

No air bronchograms
Multiple coalescing nodules of various sizes --> s/o cannonball metastases.

#tuberculosis Image
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I will never
understand & nor accept
that governments act
public health preventions
to limit
airborne biohazard transmission
let rip #SARSCoV2
speeds up arise
of immune evasive vocs

dysregulate intrinsically
immune responses w/o knowing longterm sequelae
ask them why!
ask for plan B!
ask for surveillance!
ask for prevention!
ask for public health measures to prevent airborne crosscontaminations of #Biohazards

#SARSCoV2 #EBOLA #monkeypox #tuberculosis #RSV

ask for clean air rules indoors
don't be silent📢🔊
collective denials are dealy, history told us to be aware of gaslighters, I don't recognize world
no media reports
about strange
ph strategy
@Weltspiegel_ARD @ZDF @phoenix_de @DLFNachrichten

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🆕 WHO 2022 Global TB report 🧵

For the first time in many years, an increase has been reported in the number of people falling ill with #tuberculosis (TB) and drug-resistant TB.

📌 Three doctors are looking at an X-ray of a patients lungs.
In 2021, #tuberculosis was on the rise ↗️:
🔸10.6 million people fell ill with TB, an increase of 4.5% from 2020.
🔸1.6 million people died from TB.
🔸Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) increased by 3%, with 450 000 new cases of rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB).

Reasons for increase in #tuberculosis cases:

🔸Disruption of essential TB services due to the #COVID19 pandemic.

🔸Ongoing conflicts across Eastern Europe, Africa & the Middle East have further worsened the situation for vulnerable populations.

📌 Illustration of the letters "TB" whit a clock goin
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Fungal pathogens can cause illnesses and death.
They are becoming increasingly common and resistant to treatment.

Yet, too little is known about them.

The 🆕 WHO fungal priority pathogens list is an important step to boost urgently needed research:
📌 A wild west style illustrat...
Imagine having thrush that cannot be treated❓

When fungi that cause common infections become more resistant to treatment, the risks of contracting invasive infections also rise.

Treatments working less well is a global problem for all of us 😱

📌 Illustration of two speech ...
Some fungi pathogens like to lurk around hospitals 🏥. Why? They can attack the most vulnerable patients.

During the #COVID19 pandemic, incidences of invasive fungal infections increased dramatically among those hospitalized.

📌 Illustration of a hospital ...
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#idweek2022 @DocWoc71 Ddx rash #leishmania body part where sandflies bite; other ddx #paracoccidiomycosis given systemic sx
Other ddx #tb #botrymycosis wouldnt explain lungs; other #paragonomiasis
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🔶🔶🔶Historia de la #HigieneEscolar
El movimiento #higienista en Europa tuvo lugar en el siglo XIX, y se introdujo a España mediante médicos exiliados y se proyectó sobre edificios públicos entre ellos la #Escuela
🧵1-n Image
La organización higienica de las ciudades modernas se produjo mediante la sectorización progresiva de las mismas, de acuerdo a las funciones de trabajo, habitación, ocio, comercio, transportes y otras, que toda urbe había de satisfacer.🧵2-n
La @Higiene, en la medida en que designaba los
espacios salubres, de riesgo y de contaminación,
fue tipificando zonas de habitación y de trabajo, originando, a su vez, la especulación del suelo urbano, fenómeno que influyó también en la sectorización de las clases sociales🧵3-n
Read 25 tweets
Diagnose this!
50 year old male. cervical lymph nodes. inguinal lymph nodes. FNAC s/o TB . Started on ATT. After few days
Presents to ER with BP of 84/60, Sodium 122, GRBS 50
1 imaging test to evaluate?
1 drug which may have caused this?
#MedTwitter #MedStudents
Yes indeed
Adrenal #tuberculosis is one of the most common causes of #addisons disease
Rifampicin can precipitate a crisis as it increases the metabolism of cortisol and lowers its levels
Infact Rifampicin can unmask pre existing adrenal insufficiency.
#MedTwitter #MBBS
#Tuberculosis of adrenal glands occurs when ususally >90% of the gland is destroyed by TB.
usually bilateral in more than 70%.
Hence treatment of coexistent TB may not reverse the insufficiency.
#MedTwitter #MBBS
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A thread of excerpts from a 2011 presentation by Ray Obomsawin, Ph.D. on #vaccines , their alleged elimination of infectious diseases, and #vaccine #safety
Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature, and nature is never cheated.
Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, who worked among aboriginal peoples in Australia, authored Every Second Child as he observed the death rate among aboriginal children was nearly 50%. He discovered it was due to #vaccination
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1) The TB issue is huge in India because

1. TB can invade every organ system with a bewildering array of manifestations --> requires great diagnostic skills.

2. Dx methods like microscopy and even PCR often fail in case of paucibacillary disease.

3. Serology = useless

4. The interaction between the TB bacillus and the immune system is complex.

Why some people can contain it within granuloma and why it spreads hematogenously in others --> this is not well known.

Research is less focused here since TB is not a First World problem.
5. ATD is hepatotoxic (among others) and relies on the same 1st line drugs since the 1950s --> HIV appeared in 1981 but we already have more drugs than we can handle. PLHIV are now dying of ASCVD, like the gen popn!


Because HIV was a 1st world problem.
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1/ America Is In the 'Figure It Out Yourself' Era of the Pandemic…
by @edyong209

2/ I spent the earlier part of my career focused on #tuberculosis #TB & #HIV.

We are most definitely seeing the TB-ification of COVID.

Read 12 tweets
LIVE: Second Plenary meeting at #WHA75…
"Yesterday, I made my remarks on the theme of health for peace and peace for health, which Member States will discuss in the general debate. I want to start today by looking back, to where we have been over the past five years"-@DrTedros #WHA75
@DrTedros "You elected me 5 short years ago, with an ambitious agenda for universal health coverage; health emergencies; women's, children's and adolescents' health; the health impacts of climate and environmental change; and a transformed WHO"-@DrTedros #WHA75
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Lo que usted debe saber sobre la #tuberculosis (TB).

La TB es una enfermedad infecciosa causada fundamentalmente por la bacteria #Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

La enfermedad suele afectar principalmente a los #pulmones 🫁 pero puede comprometer cualquier órgano del cuerpo.

🧵 Image
¿Como se transmite?

De persona a persona por vía aérea.

"Cuando una persona con #tuberculosis expulsa la #bacteria al #toser, estornudar, hablar, entonces los que se encuentren cerca pueden inhalarla e infectarse"

Generalmente ocurre en contactos cercanos y prolongados. Image
¿Quiénes tienen más riesgos?

❗️Las personas que viven con #VIH (sin TARV) tienen 18 veces más probabilidades de desarrollar TB activa.
❗️La personas desnutridas.
❗️El trastorno por consumo de alcohol y el tabaquismo.
❗️Otros estados de inmunosupresión.…
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We welcome all the awareness about #COVID19 and the change it has brought in the way masses give importance to healthcare. But what is silently eating poor people of India? It's much more morbid than COVID, it's #tuberculosis !
Sharing a recent case that broke me😕 1/n
34/M history of fever recurring as soon as antipyretics stopped, shortness of breath gradual onset, progressively increasing, now even at rest. H/o weight loss of over 10kgs in 2 months.
Diagnosed as typhoid first somewhere based on 1:80 titres (another nuisance) 2/
Has been constantly given antibiotics since the last 2 months by different private hospitals in rural India. Then diagnosed as pneumonia by somebody else.
When he came to us in the emergency, on examination was
In respiratory distress, febrile, pale, BP normal, pulse high 3/
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Today is #WorldTBDay.

#Tuberculosis - also known as TB - remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers.
Each day, over 4,100 people lose their lives to it & close to 28,000 people fall ill with this preventable & curable disease.

More: Image
WHO is proactively supporting efforts to enable access to #tuberculosis care services for the people with TB, refugees and displaced populations at risk, including in Ukraine which has a high burden of drug-resistant TB

#WorldTBDay Image
Over half of the children and adolescents with #tuberculosis miss out on livesaving TB prevention, diagnosis and care services

#WorldTBDay Image
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@DCharabaty @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @P_DeepakIBDMD @IBDimmunology @nehagastrord @ibdesis @ownyourcrohns @FITWITMD @crohnsbabble @rebelliousgut @ibdseb @drsumitbhatia @DrAnjaliPandit A1/n One of the most difficult clinical situations which a clinician could encounter: the two entities are remarkably similar
At our center almost half of such situations the underlying condition is ITB and in the rest half CD
Crossed fingers
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