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Dec 8th 2021
#EmojiBlend update: new face!

⠀⠀“I cook an egg with a spoon!” 🥚

#emoji #emojimashup #egg ImageImageImage
#EmojiBlend update : New faces!
🧌“Troll”, 🫥“Dotted Line” & 🫠“Melting face”

(Twemoji 14.0) ImageImageImage
#EmojiBlend update: new #emoji!
🫡 🥹 🤝 🫴 🫵 🫶 🫦
(#Twemoji 14.0) ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
I know there's no way to say this without sounding like a petty asshole, but I had the idea for something like @EmojiMashupBot in April.
I already had extracted every feature from each #emoji from the #twemoji SVG files.
I'm glad it finally exists in the world, congratulations @louanben ☺️

Let's hope I finally learn that I need to FINISH THE PROJECTS I START! 😬

As @YahtzeeCroshaw said in his Dev Diary: “Starting projects doesn't count”
Read 17 tweets

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