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Mar 28th 2022
As the United Democratic Alliance #UDA national delegates’ congress was going on recently, a video clip from the event was lighting up social media. - @NationAfrica
The video featured Deputy President William Ruto’s aide Farouk Taigut Kibet in an animated conversation with party chairman Johnson Muthama and secretary-general Veronica Maina.
He appeared to be giving instructions on how the two leaders should progress with the NDC. “Sasa ambia kila mtu anyamaze (Now tell everyone to be quiet),” Mr Kibet can be heard instructing Mr Muthama in one of the clips.
Read 44 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
I am a family man. Married to one wife called Jemimah Muthama. I have three children, two sons and a daughter. I have five daughters from a marriage that failed. And then I have three more children, two girls and a boy, from a broken marriage. - Johnson Muthama in @NationAfrica
I am a self-made businessman. I am in the mining industry where I deal with gemstones. I am also in the real estate business. That is my source of income and that is what I have been doing all my life. - Muthama
I have never lost an election. I am the first MP in Kenya to pay taxes and I am also the first person to opt not to vie in an election due to lack of democracy, fairness and transparency. I stand by my views, that the process was messed up thus I opted not to vie. - Muthama
Read 13 tweets

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