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May 1st 2021
A #tweetorial on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

Just for fun, which drug class is archetypal of a gastroenterologist? 😉

PPIs would be my pick!

The advent of these potent and effective acid suppression medications led to a paradigm shift in the mx of many GI conditions

The market for PPIs is MASSIVE! Just the projected 5 year growth from 2018 - 2023 estimated to be $3.24 billion!
So how do #PPIs work?

A reminder on physiology: this class of drug acts on the gastric parietal cells by irreversibly blocking the hydrogen/potassium adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system (the H+/K+ ATPase, aka the gastric proton pump), hence the elegant name
Read 21 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
One of the reasons we fuss so much about the accuracy of melaena description is that we use it to arbitrarily divide the GI bleed 🩸 as upper or lower although there are many caveats. Sometimes the distinction UGIB or LGIB is necessary because of who takes the patient! #turf
Melaena (assuming correctly described) can still be from right colonic or small bowel bleed and bright red blood can also be from a brisk upper GI bleed. Has the time come to see them all as GI bleeds and work on them?
How accurate is the description of melaena over the phone?
Here is a little poll to see how GI bleeds are managed globally.

Who takes GI bleeds in your hospital? GIs or Surgeons?
#GItwitter #UGIB #LGIB
Read 5 tweets

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