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Dec 8th 2019
#UnnaoRape case
1) Woman has affair with guy, family agreed to their marriage
2) It was found she had affairs going on with multiple other men
3) Man refused to marry her
4) She threatened with filing rape case if he doesn't marry and filed it upon refusal
5) Police knew it's ++
a false case. They didn't register FIR immediately. Upon pressure by woman they finally did.
6) Woman demanded extortion from family of man
7) Man was arrested and judge upon going through the case granted bail
8) Woman came to relatives threatening them to get her married ++
to the guy, else she'll immolate herself and blame them.
9) Upon refusal, she came early morning at 5 AM, immolated & ran to Police station, named all of those associated with the man.
10) Now she's dead, society is baying for blood of those men.
11) Women from man's family++
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