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Mar 18th 2020
New paper!
Are you missing spending time with your friends? Perhaps during this time of self-isolation you need to be with other people?
You could be an offline friend addict! After all 69% of people are addicted to their friends... or are they?

There are now a lot of social media addiction scales cropping up in the literature. These scales are used in a number of papers to report a % of people addicted to social media (up to 34% of some samples, see Andreasson, 2015).
This number is surprising as a pathology prevalence.
We looked into how the social media addiction scales are developed.
They usually adapt the wording of an existing scale like how the Social Media Craving Scale was adapted from the Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (Savci & Griffiths, 2019). They just change 'alcohol' for 'social media'
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